Liberty or Death

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Thanks for the shout out. I am actually in law school in Atlanta, threatened physically by classmates because I am a conservative. But the law is the law, the constitution says what it says, and doesn't say what it doesn't say. seems simple.

Check out "The Two Cultures" by C.P.Snow

Great show as always. I still want to be a prosecutor, and I'm ok with qualified imunity, but it must be applied very strict. The video you showed...those cops should not benefit from immunity.

Actually, impeachment is a constitutional remedy that has been warped and controted into a political tool.

I tried watching the Senate hearing today. I think that if any of the senators join Rep. Brooks, it will be Josh Hawley or Cotton. Not even sure about Ron Johnson. It just looks like more bluster and fluffing.

if not for double democrats wouldn't have any standards

see, the other day Rand Paul said he was "considering" objecting to the votes, then the next day was on Newsmax essentially saying there was no legal way of challenging the votes. Not a big Paul family fan. I dealt with them when I ran for the state legislature for Taos, New Mexico in 2010. They bussed people in to vote for Stolen valor man himself Adam Kokesh.

I think Rand is less "radical" then his father Ron who is right on a lot of things, but then jumps off the reservation. What I don't like is this idea that it is ok to have an open border and a welfare state. Rand seemingly supports this.

I am in law school at Atlanta's John Marshall now, president of the Federalist Society student chapter. We have been censored by the faculty, and i hae vbeen physically threatened by my classmates for being a conservative, but trying to have civil debate. Law Schools have become over run with liberal madness. 30 years in the martial arts so I don't scare easily. But it is truly amazing that if you don't suck on the liberal tit you must be a racist. I was even called a Nazi because somehow, wanting the maximum amount of freedom with the least amount of interference and coercion from government somehow makes me a socialist. Amazing how that works.

that is cute, but I am a conservative, that beleives in federalism. I am an originalist. Constitution says what it says, doesn't say what it doesn't say. Problem is, in order to be a member of the Federalist Society you only need to pay dues. Everyone is welcome. So, we have liberal judges that pay their dues, then write law from the bench.

He won on election night.

I agree Professor Dinan.

It is much easier to burry your head in the sand than to stand for principles.

@txgho I absolutley agree and it irritates me.

Oh, but Professor Dinan, there is no way the professors can discover who the holder of the BGN is (sarcasm).

luckily, our faculty advisor is on the diciplanry committee; however, as soon as I began to be censored by the faculty, I began to work from behind the scenes.

We were covering the Iqbal case and my Civ Pro professor began racially profiling to "prove her point," and admitted to racially profiling as she did it.

They are.

Career sevices sent out an email pushing the equity and diversity scholarships. Luckilyu we "don't have to be a minority" to get the scholarships.

I was all but scolded when I opined to career services in a mandatory meeting concerning future job aspects that if they wanted diversity, they needed to stop asking about race, sex, gender and sexual orientation.

Roger that, Professor Dinan. Now, I am just sitting back, logging everything, and preparing for when I have sturdier ground to stand on. BUt I have decided when I am able to hang my own shingle that I will give a civics test to potential employees.

If I need to provide an answer I don't agree with, I will, but it is sad that debate isn't allowed. Especially in law school. The one place where debate should be fostered and encouraged.

Very true. That is why I am glad the Army and martial arts taught me to be a patient man. I play chess well.


I don't know her

I have not

Professor, mine too. I used the GI Bill for my undergrad and half of my masters before I entered law school. Then President Trump signed the executive order waiving student loans for some veteran. I have 100% from the VA, so I woke up one day and my student loan balance was 0. that was great. But, I am still able to attend.

Personally, being thanked feels odd because many of my brothers and sisters did way more than I, and some paid the ultimate price. So, I don't correct. I typically respond with "Best damn job I ever had." I would hate to be the reason someone doesn't recognize a veteran that left a piece of himself in some foreign land, physical or mental, and deserves the thanks. I didn't deploy over seas, I was hurt when i was stationed at Ft. Hood and they medically retired me.

I do have a dear friend that that was in Viet Nam and never filed a claim until 10 years ago. His claim was finally approved after two appeals. Took him 10 years. The first for years they had his ss# and name mixed up, so when he called in the check his claim they were lying. He was actually told at one point that there was no evidence that the grenade shrapnel in his body arrived there as a result of combat.

And he was a Navy Cross recipient, and treated him so. Very sad.

I always thank veterans, taught my daughters to do the same.

I absolutely agree with you on that one, though I was a tanker.

Special Fores, combat arms, verteran should have to wonder where his next meal is coming from, or if she will be homeless.

Nothing wring with that, professor

Did you hear that the first deployment of the Space Force was to Qtar? Cool, huh?

Well, the Air Force is the red headed step child of the Army.

We are a few states away from calling an Article V convention. It is about time. Bring back the non-delegation doctrine and codify it; limit the power to tax only to Article 1 Section 8 18 Enumerated powers and end all agencies and taxes not related to the 18 powers; repeal the 17th amendment; Balanced budget amendment; term limits for Senate, House, and SCOTUS.

I also am a bring proponent for each state to have a state-based electoral college

It really is amazing that the fake Mexican Roberto O'Rourke is convinced the government can confiscate firearms from 200 million Americans, but we can't find 20 million illegal aliens

President Trump is calling bullshit on this bill

It is being rumored that the Georgia legislature is planning to pull the certification of the Biden votes

Watch his addressed I posted. He just gave it less than an hour ago. He said they need to increase the direct payments to $2k, $4 for married, and take all the crap out, or the next administration (hopefully himself) will have to do CCP Virus [sic] relief

Every single "Republican" that does not contest the electoral college votes should and will be primaried. I am planning on challenging my Congressman if he doesn't.

@Doc for his seat. He has to run again in 2 years

I will e out of law school then and back home.

Well, I am retired Army, an expert marksman, and have 30 years in the martial arts. I'm down.

But I think being civil is the way to go.

That is cute.

I was a tank gunner, 1/221, 11th, and 3 ACR.

@Doc No, I was initially with the Krasnovians

you tell me. Small fighting force

did our best at the Iron triangle and brown gap


Got the Col in charge of 4th ID fired

snuck into general cone's camp and stole his flag...before he became post commander

roger wilco

Seems like the SCOTUS is VERY INTERESTED and ruling on the constitutionality of a state violating Article 4 and Article 2 of the US Constitution

SCOTUS has ordered a response from Boockvar et al. by January 22


well, Manafort was charged with a crime that the DOJ already passed up a long time ago

@RobertGrulerEsq Article % convention. We are actually just a few states shy of calling the first one.

*Article 5 convention

Well, Obama pardoned actual terrorists and no one seemed to care

I am very happy President Trump vetoed the NDAA. It was a ll bi


And I think MAGA would elect Pence whether he reads the current electoral votes or the alternative one; however, I think he would have a bigger wave should he count the alternative slate

I see what you are saying. He has pardoned and granted clemency thoughout his presidency but Presidents do pass grant them near the end of their terms. They do the same thing even if they have been elected to a second term

Should Pence run in 2024. I think he will run for president.

I always thought it was funny when they tried to impeach President Trump, because Pence is even more conservative.

@busillis true, they may already be out of prison, but a pardon wipes the slate clean and restores all of their civil liberties

Well, when you are convicted you have certain rights stripped from you. In many states you are no longer allowed to vote, no longer to buy, hold, or be around a firearm. In fact, if your wife/husband owns a firearm you can go to prison. A pardon restores all of your civil liberties

I saw a lot of financial crimes, I think maybe a robbery was in there. But, I did not see any murders and certainly no terrorists like previous administrations have done

If someone actually turns their life around and makes different choices and follows the law, I'm cool with a pardon.

Remember, just because you did it doe not mean you are guilty

@bullis no, I don't believe in "complete drug legalization." I think that Oregon legalizing heroin was retarted; however, I have my pocket constitution in front of me and for the life of me I do not see a mention of drugs in the constitution as an ability for the government to raise taxes to "combat"

But for keeping drugs from comming in across the national borders, the 10th amendment would see to point to the states to determine drug enforcement policy.

Wow...Russia hoax talk. That is cute. You do realize that was primarily pushed by a Rep. Eric Fartwell that was caught in a honeypot with a Chinese spy, right?

@William Dinan Convicted as well. But, that was more of a "joke" in relation to the difference between an underlying crime and the defense for one e.g., you may have killed someone and are charged with murder or voluntary mansluaghter, but it may have been in self defense or something.

exactly. that was my point. Comes from a billboard I saw for a criminal defense attorney that stated that. I thought it was clever

I hope I never have friends like Geraldo. He is a piece of work anyway. I remember during the Gulf war when he gave away troop movements on a report from the sand box and the convoy was attacked.

So, the supposed incoming secretary of education has plans to institute mandated critical race theories and BLM classes. Guess it is time to homeschool

2020-12-28 16:01:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

@JD~Jordan so, you are absolutely for Marxism and the destruction of the nuclear family, believe that being on time is a form of white supremecy,and want critical ract theory to be taught in school so students are trained to a) have a victim mentality or b) feel ashamed of being white?

2020-12-28 16:01:43 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

bad police officers need to be prosecuted. But not all police are bad people.

2020-12-28 16:05:09 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

*all police officers are not bad people

2020-12-28 16:06:55 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #scotus]  

I hadn't even heard of this case. I was just looking for updates on other cases. They are supposed to respond by today, so we will see.

2020-12-28 16:09:39 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

Well, it is not babbling. You stated, "...[A]s I am absolutely a BLM supporter..."

2020-12-28 16:10:05 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

they are a Marxist group. This is according to their founder. You can see her on youtube saying it.

2020-12-28 16:13:11 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

"BLM" has nothing to do with black lives mattering. See. Unlike you, I am not coming at you in an insulting manner. I asked you if you stood for what they stand for since you "absolutely support" BLM. I am not putting you in a box. I'm quoting you. But if me asking you a question about what you said means I lack the ability to think critically, well, you are entitled to your liliputhian psuedo intellectual twattle.

2020-12-28 16:14:07 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

Let me guess...I am racist for asking you f you support the Marxist ideology of the Marxist organization that you absolutely support, right?

I don't have a link for that, but he was the former head of education in CT and he mandated CRT and BLM-type courses in all high school in the state and said he would do the same thing

2020-12-28 16:16:08 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

Wow, you really are a mature individual aren't you?

2020-12-28 16:18:03 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #floyd]  

It is obvious the "JD" in front of your handle does not stand for Juris Doctorate. Here I am thinking you may have the ability to speak rationally and civilly based on what appears to be a signal to your academic acumine.

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