Message from @james j

Discord ID: 793919387043889172

2020-12-30 18:53:49 UTC  

so Trump could have won CA ... in a bigly landslide

2020-12-30 18:54:22 UTC  

Looks like I won't get to see the headline I predicted. 'Trump Barricades Self in White House. Fate Unknown.'

2020-12-30 18:54:30 UTC  

Lmao bigly

2020-12-30 18:55:21 UTC  

Could have, but strangely... most of the gains Dems made in 2018 reverted back to Reps. So, there's that.

2020-12-30 18:55:59 UTC  

That's too confusing. Pass.

2020-12-30 18:58:57 UTC  

Then they did well. That is a ton of people and it’s a good thing that they were successful. I’m glad they caught their error where they forgot a portion to vote for the president!

2020-12-30 19:00:43 UTC  

This is what I find interesting: "Biden's national popular vote margin, that 7 million-vote edge, comes from just two states: California and New York."

2020-12-30 19:00:58 UTC  

Strangely enough... LA County is the only jurisdiction in the country that used a voting system that was developed by Smartmatic. Smartmatic was hired to do a custom system for LA and LA retained the rights and the source code to the system.

2020-12-30 19:06:00 UTC  

@Livingstone another Trump lackie , also the same thing happened in 2016 with Russia. You keep trying to tie multiple different claims together as if they are tied to each other. I’m talking about the lady that didn’t sign a affidavit that was verifiable . Meaning she lied.

2020-12-30 19:06:05 UTC  

That is really cool. I saw the LA had like a 1% rejection rate. They had to toss like 100,000 ballots because they were not filled out properly. Do you know what other systems were used in other counties? It was really smart to retain the rights and the source code. That is Silicon Valley and action! Normally I am not one for big tech, but that was a very smart move. 

2020-12-30 19:06:41 UTC  

We really don't really need to disparage each other.

2020-12-30 19:07:02 UTC  

@Livingstone there are at least 7 states in the union that have been using mail in ballots almost exclusively for decades . They have found a total 0.0025 instances of fraud using the system

2020-12-30 19:07:17 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I mean ratcliffe

2020-12-30 19:07:44 UTC  

I’m sorry James. But I don’t really know what you’re talking about. The last three things that I have posted to you were reports from the DNI. I Haven’t mentioned affidavits since you and I were disputing the file/oral argument date for Wisconsin. You lost me, bro.

2020-12-30 19:08:04 UTC  

Ok... It wasn't a reply, so it looked bad.

2020-12-30 19:08:36 UTC  

@TaLoN132 so here you go, somebody does some half-baked analysis that supposedly shows election fraud, the President picks this story up, Tweets about it, his supporters pick up on it, and then when the Associated Press does a fact check on it, they consider it fake news because the AP is bias and so the echo chamber continues ... rinse and repeat ...

2020-12-30 19:08:58 UTC  

Yes you keep pointing to Trump appointed people as evidence of election fraud. What you posted about the DNI was also true in 2016. So what @Livingstone

2020-12-30 19:09:31 UTC  

@Livingstone you pointed to a procedural case not a fraud case

2020-12-30 19:10:08 UTC  

You pointed to a chart that assumes things that are not true made by something a 4 th grader would make @Livingstone

2020-12-30 19:11:11 UTC  

Florida is one. They were great on election night. Finished counting on November 4 and was called around 12:30 because 96% of the expected votes were arrived and counted. That should be congratulated.

2020-12-30 19:12:12 UTC  

Yeah because they did away with the Republican rule of having to wait to count mail ins until after the close of polls. Other states did not adopt this rule hence the red mirage @Livingstone

2020-12-30 19:12:14 UTC  

Ok. Are you really calling the chart from the Navarro report something that a court grader could do?

2020-12-30 19:12:51 UTC  

Yes look at it. It takes data that isn’t real, it uses a check mark system that could be used for any election, it is trash . @Livingstone

2020-12-30 19:13:30 UTC  

I have come to the conclusion that the biggest threats to American democracy are the divisive echo chambers. We are doomed if we don't figure out a way to collectively break out of them. There are some that are trying, but they strangely remain partisan and seem at times more interested in creating their own echo chambers - i.e. TYT and the Lincoln Project.

2020-12-30 19:13:35 UTC  

This guys has been wrong about every single economic prediction since he has been on trumps team @Livingstone

2020-12-30 19:14:26 UTC  

@meglide That's the thing. All someone has to do is say it out loud and it's put on a level playing field of validity. It's absorbed faster than it can be questioned and you can never take it back.

2020-12-30 19:14:29 UTC  

Ok. If it was true in 2016 and we went through the Mueller investigation and the impeachment process then should we not have an investigation since it’s the same thing as 2016?

2020-12-30 19:15:04 UTC  

FL was allowed to start counting mail-in ballots the day before the election. Not just process them, but to start actually counting them.

2020-12-30 19:15:22 UTC  

@Livingstone again for the millionth time. That has nothing to do with the election process it self. You know the voting and the election actually being fraudulent. That had to do with influence of the election . Same as now

2020-12-30 19:16:14 UTC  

Why people can’t see this distinction I will never know

2020-12-30 19:17:08 UTC  

I think everyone agrees we need to fix the system, and I think many people feel this election had some serious issues; however, these issues are not severe enough to literally go out and change the results of an election. The fact people are looking to overturn election results for some decent evidence of things going wrong just doesn't meet the standard required to disenfranchise millions upon millions of votes. Sorry, that's just how it is.

2020-12-30 19:17:30 UTC  

The elites now want to keep the pandemic going forever. THere are talks of this being the new normal and lockdowns continuing. WTF?

2020-12-30 19:17:35 UTC  

The procedure allowed room for human error and possible fraud. We were discussing voter irregularities and fraud and I showed you that case. Then you said that they should have brought it earlier. So I pointed out that the oral arguments happened in September which meant that the briefs were filed. You are denying that there is any proof of fraud. This case shows that there is room for fraud to occur and that the county was erroneous in its actions.

2020-12-30 19:18:23 UTC  

People are now taking an 'all-or-nothing' approach and that's dangerous for the country. Nothing will get fixed.

2020-12-30 19:19:05 UTC  

He is human, James. I would have a hard time predicting during a pandemic and election year as well. But a few years of bad predictions does not discredit his entire career.

2020-12-30 19:19:07 UTC  

@Livingstone yes and they lost that case as it would disenfranchise people who took the pandemic seriously. That is not a fraud case

2020-12-30 19:19:31 UTC  

We are living through V for Vendetta

2020-12-30 19:19:38 UTC  

@Livingstone he was wrong about things from 2016 well before the pandemic

2020-12-30 19:20:17 UTC  

Doomsaying is also extremely bad for the country.

2020-12-30 19:20:28 UTC  

The IRS is hiring 50% more people to do MORE AUDITS on small businesses to wipe out the ones that survive.
Meanwhile big Corps are allowed to operate while small businesses are closed.

2020-12-30 19:20:43 UTC  

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