Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 794059776945553418

2020-12-31 04:18:32 UTC  

As I said, his reaction for being called out for the same thing Biden did is very, very different.

2020-12-31 04:18:51 UTC  

Flipping tables and doubling down rather than apologizing and shutting up.

2020-12-31 04:19:08 UTC  

And he is praised for that. Nice work.

2020-12-31 04:19:50 UTC  

"same thing"..... wish to compare lists? You go locate your objectionable comments by Biden and I will get my list of Trumps....

You can go back 40 years... I will go back 10.... Deal?

2020-12-31 04:20:07 UTC  

No need to. lol

2020-12-31 04:20:14 UTC  

That's what I thought

2020-12-31 04:20:33 UTC  

I think this is where the echo chamber influences come into play. MSM downplays Hillary's comments. I am pretty sure that the DNC asked her to not get involved and were not happy when she did. I know she regretted conceding as early as she did. Votes were still being counted.

Trump doesn't have any reason to believe that the election was not legitimate other than he can't accept having lost. He claimed that the election was rigged months ahead of time. Then tried to get DeJoy to sabotage the USPS. If he had any proof that the election would be rigged, he should have gotten the DoJ to investigate ahead of time or put election monitors in place. The Carter Center had people deployed all over the place, just like they do for other countries. I find it hard to believe that a man of Trump's means couldn't figure out how to prevent his opponent from being able to cheat him out of an election... especially if he knew about it ahead of time. It just doesn't make intuitive sense to me.

2020-12-31 04:22:24 UTC  

***SQUIRREL*** This was an awkward interview.

2020-12-31 04:22:53 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Incompetence would make sense. All encompassing conspiracy would make sense too.

2020-12-31 04:23:56 UTC  

And yeah, Trump's treatment of women is something I vehemently am against, don't think I'm not.

2020-12-31 04:24:10 UTC  

I've explained that in <#793642419698532354> well enough I feel.

2020-12-31 04:24:59 UTC  

Yeah.... no one tries to defend the way he has treated women. At least no one that has my respect or wishes to keep it has attempted to defend Trump in that area

2020-12-31 04:25:19 UTC  

I wonder in what non-sports universe is it ok to stand like that as an interviewer.

2020-12-31 04:25:32 UTC  

I think Biden is guilty of this too, but not to the same degree as Trump.

2020-12-31 04:27:16 UTC  

Again... he is a bit older than dirt so it would not shock me at all that we could dig up some pretty chauvinistic comments made by Biden... no doubt.... but not to the caliber, frequency and well recently

2020-12-31 04:27:19 UTC  

of Trump

2020-12-31 04:28:37 UTC  

I think they're both a product of a bygone age, one has learned his lesson better than the other.

2020-12-31 04:29:31 UTC  

You keep trying to polish this turd... but as my PopPop use to say... "You can polish that turd all you want, its still gonna be a piece of shit when you are done."

2020-12-31 04:29:36 UTC  


2020-12-31 04:29:43 UTC  

and on that I think I need to go to bed

2020-12-31 04:30:03 UTC  


2020-12-31 04:30:16 UTC  

I'm trying to avoid sounding extremely partisan.

2020-12-31 04:30:41 UTC  


2020-12-31 04:30:47 UTC  

Sweetest of Dreams

2020-12-31 04:31:07 UTC  

Here are the documents of sunrise action and other activist groups many of which were also the "poll watchers" intimidating trump supporters and anyone they suspected to be republicans at the polls.

2020-12-31 04:31:31 UTC

2020-12-31 04:31:48 UTC  

Holy moly.

2020-12-31 04:31:58 UTC  

That's not spam they had to be clumped together to make sense. Sorry

2020-12-31 04:32:56 UTC  

Never said it was spam, if it's relevant it's a bit different. Relevancy and attempts to conglomerate information in one post is fine.

2020-12-31 04:33:13 UTC  

Generally I'd suggest removing embeds from something like this though.

2020-12-31 04:33:28 UTC  

But it's impossible in this case, since it's files.

2020-12-31 04:34:37 UTC  

General incompetence. Dishonesty.

2020-12-31 04:35:49 UTC  

Is that the career conspiracy theorist or was that someone else?

2020-12-31 04:35:52 UTC  

I think the MSM has been extremely sketchy in their reporting of Trump in a multitude of instances, doesn't mean everything was a lie though.

2020-12-31 04:36:11 UTC  

I think they $&#$ed the pooch on this one and they deserve the fallout.

2020-12-31 04:37:40 UTC  

Just like I think it's fair to say Trump screwed up many times and deserves this fallout as well.

2020-12-31 04:40:05 UTC  

RWM is no exception to having screwed up as well.

2020-12-31 04:40:20 UTC  

Very true. GOP doesn't have nearly the capacity for large scale subversive maneuvering as conservatives have been canceled or never really had the capacity to emerge through the heft of ACLU, unions, mainstream news outlets ect ect. They must pardon seasoned sociopaths and give them campaign manager positions.

2020-12-31 04:40:21 UTC  

This is crazy! It is what I suspected after driving cross country and talking to people...actual people. TRUTH is what we seek!! I understand the hurt/anger towards any person who has treated others as if they are not human. Now, I must say goodnight because I am oldish myself!!😊💕

2020-12-31 04:40:28 UTC  

It's part of the current hyperpartisan political divide.