Message from @JonM16

Discord ID: 794257080583585843

2020-12-31 17:29:13 UTC  

But, if we all like him, we all win then, dont we?@TaLoN132

2020-12-31 17:29:18 UTC  

It's all a game, both side's of the aisle are funded by the same corporations & nations. Orange man however decides he won't stick to the rules of this game called democracy, he is openly corrupt and his lies make me sick (not that other politicians/biden won't lie). I'll be holding Biden to account too.

2020-12-31 17:29:44 UTC  

Who's the "him" that you are referring to?

2020-12-31 17:29:46 UTC  

Once Trump got his small checks passed and signed it everything else is bullshit

2020-12-31 17:30:16 UTC  


2020-12-31 17:30:46 UTC  

Darth Turtle isn’t going to put 2k checks to a vote. Trump is just fooling rubes

2020-12-31 17:30:54 UTC  

he only went after S230 because Twitter hurt his feelings.

2020-12-31 17:31:29 UTC  

Why would people all like the most divisive president

2020-12-31 17:31:37 UTC  

Twitter is basically just another Rosie O'Donnell. No spite is too petty for him.

2020-12-31 17:31:40 UTC  

Poor diaper don

2020-12-31 17:31:52 UTC  


2020-12-31 17:32:14 UTC  

🚼 🤡

2020-12-31 17:32:28 UTC  

Trump is highly likeable. Have you seen the Rallies@james j

2020-12-31 17:32:56 UTC  

he has a big following. nobody disputing that.

2020-12-31 17:32:58 UTC  

Whoever got Trump to sit behind that fisher price desk should be given a medal by Biden

2020-12-31 17:33:18 UTC  


2020-12-31 17:33:42 UTC  

Actually, from what I can tell, he is beholden to Wall Street and the stock market and he is probably to biggest single reason that the country is so divided right now. He decided from the very start that he would only cater to his base and completely wrote off the rest of the country. He labeled the MSM as fake news immediately and went after RWM if they dared contradict him. His MO has only been to divide in an effort to hold onto power, judging from his words and actions.

2020-12-31 17:33:44 UTC  

Yeah to some people he is likable. Once you get past the pandering he does to his fans he is not likable at all @EZZ

2020-12-31 17:33:56 UTC  

@EZZ it's just that 81 Million Americans hate him more. enough to vote Biden.

2020-12-31 17:34:01 UTC  

The right likes anyone that isn’t left

2020-12-31 17:34:04 UTC  

@TaLoN132 because a platform acting like a publisher is a wonderful idea

2020-12-31 17:34:49 UTC  

Yea, I was being hyperbolic. But I don’t see any America loving patriots in the cabinet.

2020-12-31 17:35:02 UTC  

Yeah god forbid we let a corporation not let misinformation spread on their platform

2020-12-31 17:35:03 UTC  

Why is Trump still using Twitter?

2020-12-31 17:35:03 UTC  

You can’t remove 230 Trump imbedded it into trade deals

2020-12-31 17:35:23 UTC  

Like hunter Biden’ laptop misinformation?

2020-12-31 17:35:37 UTC  

Trump saved Twitter

2020-12-31 17:35:59 UTC  

he revived Twitter, i agree. he hate's it so much why is he still using it?

2020-12-31 17:36:05 UTC  

Because it’s the most well known. How many people know what Parler or MeWe are?

2020-12-31 17:36:13 UTC  

You mean the thing that was already being investigated for for a year and gulliani decided to release in a revenge porn type fashion @rip.lul

2020-12-31 17:36:38 UTC  

Parler is Darwinism at it's best.

2020-12-31 17:36:43 UTC  

Yea, that. The one that was suppressed by Twitter. That one

2020-12-31 17:36:58 UTC  


2020-12-31 17:37:09 UTC  

The one that could of swayed the vote.

2020-12-31 17:37:14 UTC  

Right the one that companies didn’t want to he held responsible for revenge porn @rip.lul

2020-12-31 17:37:16 UTC  

All the lies Giuliani made up about hunter should have been censored

2020-12-31 17:37:30 UTC  

It’s a platform that truly lets people express their thoughts without fear of being censored

2020-12-31 17:37:46 UTC  

@rip.lul what is it about Hunter and the laptop that you find fascinating? he's a self confessed addict and has admitted he only gets a job because he's a Biden.

2020-12-31 17:37:47 UTC  

I was just talking about hunter Biden’s laptop not Rudy baby

2020-12-31 17:37:51 UTC  

The misinformation was the accusations of him being a pedo and all the other crazy q anon stuff that went along with it @rip.lul