Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 794791665932042240

2021-01-02 04:51:56 UTC  

she was asked to recuse herself and refused

2021-01-02 04:52:23 UTC  

She should have recused herself... that was petty and stupid

2021-01-02 04:52:39 UTC  

these are the reasons people are skeptical....this is shady as hell

2021-01-02 04:53:50 UTC  

Gardner declined to recuse herself, writing in her ruling that the court “finds no basis for recusal.”

2021-01-02 04:53:50 UTC  

@Azizah, you just advanced to level 6!

2021-01-02 04:53:58 UTC  

Honestly even if I were the lawyer trying to stop the purge of those names I would have asked for the recusal... Even if its a clear cut case and the Judge did the right thing for her to be that close to issue given her sister was a huge force in gettting people registered in GA

2021-01-02 04:54:01 UTC  

too many. I've given up on following them. it's a complete joke...honestly, if someone shows me something that points to a conspiracy, or mass election fraud etc im willing to pay attention...from what I've seen it's all bs. small scale fraud here and ther, procedural errors and bs affidavits. it's all a show.

2021-01-02 04:54:38 UTC  

they did ask for a recusal Gardner declined to recuse herself, writing in her ruling that the court “finds no basis for recusal.”

2021-01-02 04:54:48 UTC  

I was actually going to say something like that but what's the point....

2021-01-02 04:55:09 UTC  

i know right. JD has the energy.

2021-01-02 04:55:21 UTC  

I was going to say nice before here with acknowledge that there was something of something of evidently value

2021-01-02 04:55:37 UTC  


2021-01-02 04:56:02 UTC  

Yeah. I 100% agree she should have recused herself. But, I do know that generally speaking judges are granted a great deal of leeway on issues of recusal. But to me as high profile as all this stuff is and Stacey being so very very involved in voter registration is seems just stupid for her not to recuse herself.

2021-01-02 04:56:46 UTC  

Stacy Abrams wasn't even involved in this election as a candidate.

2021-01-02 04:56:54 UTC  

Mccarthy was right Bruh. </s>

A lot of these people received early relsase and are actively participating in BLM, Antifa, and sunrise activist groups.

2021-01-02 04:57:21 UTC  

wow those are some serious blinders you have on there

2021-01-02 04:57:45 UTC  


2021-01-02 04:57:55 UTC  

she was bragging about how many new voters she was recruiting

2021-01-02 04:58:00 UTC  

Yeah, I know... but it just the appearance that is ugly. Stacey Abrams has been very very involved in getting voters registered in GA over the last 4 years.

So to me ... why have those very ugly optics? It just looks bad.

2021-01-02 04:58:17 UTC  

I'm not disagreeing @JD~Jordan

2021-01-02 04:58:19 UTC  

As well she should...

2021-01-02 04:58:22 UTC  

and then her sister rules to leave 4000 on that moved out of the area

2021-01-02 04:58:23 UTC  

I'm just saying

2021-01-02 04:58:31 UTC  
2021-01-02 04:58:54 UTC  

She should have@JD~Jordan

2021-01-02 04:59:19 UTC  

Not the forcast. Sorry helping grandparents work their TV.... kill me

2021-01-02 04:59:23 UTC  

If you can't see the conflict of interest in the judge sister of a woman actively recruiting voters allowing over 4000 ineligible voters to vote anyway I'm not even sure what to say to you anymore

2021-01-02 05:00:06 UTC  

First off... you are assuming facts not in evidence. One side claims that those people moved.

And it is very sketchy that they are removing that many people from just a few counties just before a Runoff that decides the Senate and less than a month after a Presidential Election.

So the optics of the removal of those 4,000 is bad too.... At least as to the timing.

2021-01-02 05:00:55 UTC  

I personally don't see how Biden one either...@Azizah ... But I do Wonder why we only keep getting crooked bastards...m

2021-01-02 05:01:20 UTC  

she never said they didn't move....she said they couldn't do a systematic purge within 90 days of an election.....again using a technicality to allow over 4000 votes from people that moved.

2021-01-02 05:01:24 UTC  

If you think Trump is not part of machine you're believing yourself@Azizah

2021-01-02 05:01:59 UTC  

I agreed with you that she should have recused herself. Do I think that it was a legal requirement that she recuse herself? No, probably not. Judges have a great deal of latitude on issues like that and its not the worst nonrecusal I have ever seen... but she still should have resuced herself

2021-01-02 05:02:23 UTC  

so for future elections it comes down to who casts the ballots for those 4000 people first? my point exactly....encouraging cheating

2021-01-02 05:03:21 UTC  

how much do you want to bet those 4000 people are still on the voter logs in 2 years?

2021-01-02 05:03:35 UTC  

who cheated?

2021-01-02 05:03:50 UTC  

It’s like an Xbox live lobby in here!

2021-01-02 05:04:03 UTC  

@rip.lul so bad bro

2021-01-02 05:04:09 UTC  

If you have been reading anything I have concern is all of the doors left open for cheating

2021-01-02 05:04:30 UTC  

and the refusal to close them

2021-01-02 05:04:36 UTC  

One more time.... you are assuming those 4,000 people did actually move out of State. One side says they did and one side says maybe not.

So, allowing them to vote on provisional ballots (if they show up to vote) IS the right thing to do.

The SCOTUS has long since ruled that courts should always err on the side of allowing votes instead of suppressing them.

So... I absolutely agree that the judge ruled correctly. I just think she should have allowed another judge hear the case given the nature of it.