Message from @realz

Discord ID: 776511999475056650

2020-11-12 04:35:58 UTC  

we are doomed to be ruled by the 51 %

2020-11-12 04:36:04 UTC  

the ones in the cities

2020-11-12 04:36:42 UTC  

but no matter what, you don't want to be ruled by a city 2K miles away

2020-11-12 04:37:09 UTC  

a third alternative I didn't mention is to have a system that takes into account geographical distance with your vote

2020-11-12 04:37:22 UTC  

which is sorta what the EC does

2020-11-12 04:37:31 UTC  

but I don't think this is ideal

2020-11-12 04:37:38 UTC  

it stinks and just says you shouldn't be a single system

2020-11-12 04:38:06 UTC  

in the past we were very nationalistic and wanted to spread our government everywhere

2020-11-12 04:38:24 UTC  

this OTOH is a very intuitive survival instinct

2020-11-12 04:39:24 UTC  

but OTOH it is silly; everyone shits on their government for all the shit it does to them, and then they turn around and have no problem siccing their government on whichever poor neighbor they have

2020-11-12 09:31:38 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq Concerning the sharpie gate thing...the ballot tabulators work simular to fax machines from what I could tell in how it scans the results.How hard would it be to open it up and put a mark in the spot where it would not be able to read any vote casted for president trump.Its fairly simple to do that.Sharpies would exaserbate the problem becouse it would have darker thicker inc and could even possibly rub off on the area where the machine would normally scan a Trump vote.The ballot are left and right for the presidential part,its as easy as marking on the glass in that area.Next thing you know many ballots for trump would get disqualified especially if using a sharpie where as Bidens wouldnt do that becouse it dosnt have a mark on the glass.Then a poll worker comes over hits the green button to disqualify.We have to think about this more in terms of it being not just something President biden and the DNC would have been involved in but that the poll workers and others ground level would have tried there own initiatives to mess up votes for trump.It makes more sense to me when held to that.

2020-11-12 09:33:16 UTC  

Just thought about it from whenI voted.I do not remember getting a green check mark on the screen either but was told I was good.Hoping I am since I cant check if the vote went to the right person or not.Also that would make more sense for the ballots that didnt vote down ticket.It would reject it for the general but not for the other area's possibly.

2020-11-12 09:39:15 UTC  

Figured I would share the thought eitherway.Keep up the great work btw,I mainly watch your show and the officer tatum for my news.Now and then I watch ben shapiro but not very often becouse he's kinda biased in my opinion.Dont get me wrong I dont think he means to be but he's one of those sorts that just dismisses the whole thing and thinks trump will lose most likely.I may think the samething but not for the same reasons.I think there are to many insane dems involved in the government now.Sadly republicans mostly just accept things and move on,they say work and I get it I really do but what is work if america is like china?I just dont have any faith in the elections anymore.I hope they figure it out but i just dont see how dems can be considered americans(not all) as a party if they did indeed commit any level of voter fraud.It isnt helping that bidens like some prom queen thinking she has won even tho she hasnt wich is just dividing the country even more.If they were smart they would just keep low and knock off the Fireworks crap and everything(hell whens the last time they set off fireworks for winning the election and streamed it all over the world?)We all know they dont have common sense tho....instead they seem to want this country divided and a war starting out.

2020-11-12 09:42:23 UTC  

I seen things like this happen in afghanastan when I was over there.The dems cheating or having ""GLITCHES" ON A MASSIVE SCALE just looks shady.THem trying to censor everyone except a few.More and more streamers and youtubers are being removed.Maybe youtube has more common sense then to tangle with a lawyer/ former judge lol.Anyway,really appreciate all the kewl video's.I normally have to pay large amounts of money to speak to an atterny much less have them break things down in a legal way...its refreshing to watch you do just that.So Im a huge fan.Be safe,talk to you at some point I hope.

2020-11-12 17:35:52 UTC  

fuck, now he has explicitly addressed it, regardless if its true, there is no going back or resolving what is the actual reality we are in.

2020-11-12 18:02:36 UTC  


2020-11-12 18:04:17 UTC  

did he hand capitalize all that

2020-11-12 18:04:24 UTC  

or was it like that before he copypastad

2020-11-12 18:10:51 UTC  

He better have proof. Put up or shut up on something like that.

2020-11-12 18:21:27 UTC  


2020-11-12 19:27:30 UTC  

No, no. If it's false, he was 'clearly joking.' It was 'locker room talk'. 'That's just how he communicates', which is something you want from head of state.

2020-11-12 20:27:32 UTC  

Haha I've always liked that one. Sacrificial caretaker presidents have their place.

2020-11-12 21:23:50 UTC  

I dont like the Harrison-bashing. Poor fellow didnt have any chance at preforming at all. πŸ˜„

2020-11-12 22:11:19 UTC  

I don't think you understand guys. The POTUS is claiming Dominion Voting Systems did a deliberate effort to steal his votes.

2020-11-12 22:11:34 UTC  

You can laugh it off all you want, but him and his supporters are going to operate now under this assumption.

2020-11-12 22:17:34 UTC  

@SPEARS I don't think it was mockery, at least not from me, just .. what do they call it ... humor in times of death kind of thing

2020-11-12 22:19:13 UTC  

@SPEARS I cant think of one thing not worth cracking jokes about.

2020-11-12 23:34:21 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq you are made for radio/youtube

2020-11-12 23:34:29 UTC  

you have finally found your calling in life

2020-11-12 23:34:30 UTC  


2020-11-12 23:34:46 UTC  

(I'm listening to yesterday's show; well done)

2020-11-12 23:47:25 UTC  

YT outage sucked.

2020-11-12 23:57:44 UTC  

That is very kind @realz *blushes* I mostly feel like I'm bumbling around a set of slides but I'm having a lot of fun!

2020-11-13 01:24:13 UTC  

Explain why on Nov 3rd 2020 election day Trump was winning and than the morning of the 4th at 4 am his lead goes poof?

2020-11-13 01:24:52 UTC  

The fix was inserted in

2020-11-13 01:25:48 UTC  

Now yes but i'ts 10 days after the fact

2020-11-13 01:25:48 UTC  

Maybe on a thumb drive, via backdoor

2020-11-13 01:27:13 UTC  

It’s frustrating, a sliver of America knows Civics. Stalling to cover digital tracks