Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 786247040845086750

2020-12-09 06:42:06 UTC  

I think that’s bad but there is a way to do it and still be accurate even though it’s selective

2020-12-09 06:42:57 UTC  

Online media takes the next step and starts just entertaining and being non factual along with being selective

2020-12-09 06:43:17 UTC  

CNN is popular their content must be accurate

2020-12-09 06:43:20 UTC  

To be clear I don't completely disagree with the idea that they have to appeal to their audience for monetary reasons, I just think what I said before is also true

2020-12-09 06:43:52 UTC  
2020-12-09 06:44:29 UTC  

Yeah but all networks censor things their base would hate

2020-12-09 06:44:36 UTC  

It’s too what degree

2020-12-09 06:45:44 UTC  

That's how the right props up all their media. Popularity > factchecking

2020-12-09 06:46:47 UTC  

You should take hunter bidens conspiracy seriously new york post is popular. How can Fox lie they are the number 1 network

2020-12-09 06:47:00 UTC  

In the case of cnn they seem like they just didn’t lend credence to the “fraud conspiracy” which is fine. It’s if they censor something factual and non nebulous when it becomes a issue

2020-12-09 06:47:16 UTC  

Newsmax tv is beating Fox in ratings

2020-12-09 06:47:51 UTC  

The ceo of newsmax basically said they will push things they don’t know are true

2020-12-09 06:48:55 UTC  

Of course

2020-12-09 06:48:58 UTC  

That's how you win information wars I suppose

2020-12-09 06:49:16 UTC  

Propaganda wars

2020-12-09 06:51:45 UTC  

Ehhh, Propaganda is what you do when you have distribution over a controlled population. Radio, TV, Pamphlets you drop on a city telling them to surrender.

Info is more memetic. Letting it grow organically after the initial plant. Turns out to be WAY more effective.

2020-12-09 06:52:56 UTC  

Too many lawsuits founded on truthiness

2020-12-09 06:55:06 UTC  

Texas lawsuit is comical

2020-12-09 10:17:41 UTC  

COVID-19 vaccine: UK regulators warn people with history of 'significant' allergic reactions not to have Pfizer/BioNTech jab

2020-12-09 15:05:02 UTC  

Ahh yes. the medical diagnosis of "significant" medical reactions.

2020-12-09 15:05:44 UTC  

Does this mean someone with a deadly allergy to something means they shouldn't take it? Because that's literally like all my family.

2020-12-09 15:06:03 UTC  

All of which are in the risk groups. lol

2020-12-09 15:07:18 UTC  

My father has a severe reaction to shellfish, my grandmother can die if she takes penicillin, my mother has severe reactions to bee stings.

2020-12-09 15:10:15 UTC  

I would advise to be cautious.

2020-12-09 15:10:56 UTC  

By the sound of it your father and grandmother shouldn’t take it yet. I’m not sure about bee stings. My auntie is a midwife and she’s telling everyone not to take it 🙈

2020-12-09 15:10:58 UTC  

The AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine looks more promising & has been endorsed by the Church of England, the current vaccine has not.

2020-12-09 15:13:37 UTC  

how is it more promising? @AdamS _

2020-12-09 15:14:05 UTC  

@Beth Your aunt seems to be informed.

2020-12-09 15:14:15 UTC  

My regards to her for honesty.

2020-12-09 15:14:42 UTC  

Something about MHRA? I think, I could be wrong though

2020-12-09 15:15:31 UTC  

I see. Well, I would place some trust in them.

2020-12-09 15:15:50 UTC  

Except that big parts of the medical community has gone into hope-mode.

2020-12-09 15:16:06 UTC  

Hope is typically the last evil in Pandoras urne.

2020-12-09 15:16:16 UTC  

The greeks regarded hope the most sticky of evils.

2020-12-09 15:16:27 UTC  

It clouds judgement and produces prediction errors.

2020-12-09 15:16:55 UTC  

I think I agree with the Greeks on this one

2020-12-09 15:17:01 UTC  

I do too.

2020-12-09 15:17:41 UTC  

mRNA technology vaccine is new. AstraZeneca is the more traditional one. I won’t be taking either one for months.

2020-12-09 15:18:07 UTC  

“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes”

2020-12-09 15:22:12 UTC  

@AdamS Northern europeans have been exposed to corona virii for one hundred years. No immunity has developed. There is a reason for that. The immune system has more nodes than some central nervous systems. It isnt stupid.