Message from @PROJECTMAN

Discord ID: 786766447665217556

2020-12-11 01:21:16 UTC  

Agreed @Roadtrekgirl. Granted he needs to be quiet sometimes but I fully back him. A good man that does great good is never perfect. You gotta overlook some to get massive good

2020-12-11 01:21:46 UTC  

That's a matter for state scotus not Texas. Let's let them weigh in

2020-12-11 01:21:51 UTC  

With the absence of any proven fraud, there is no way that they will over throw the will of 20m people in 4 states over technicalities. If any fraud had been proven - a single arrest that accounted for any significant amount of voter fraud, they might be able to make a case that the remedy requested of throwing out the vote might be justified. They didn't provide any evidence. Nothing. Not one person who is being held responsible for fraud in those states.

In PA, SCOTUS had already let stand the allegations that were made in the TX suit. They had a chance to stop it BEFORE the election and chose not to do it. Without PA, They have to over throw the other 3, but I don't think they will get 1.

GA has gone through multiple recounts and was certified by a Rep SoS and Rep Governor. The GA Republican led legislature passed the law giving SoS led Election Board the authority to make decision they saw fit in conducting a safe and fair election. The settlement agreement was previously litigated. This is another case that will likely fail.

WI had a recount that confirmed the vote and the IC issue had already been litigated in their courts before the election. This too is a long shot.

The assertions about MI are not constitutionally based at all... They are just rumors and supposition. There is not an argument even attempted.

2020-12-11 01:21:54 UTC  

States had the opportunities to change and adjust laws, they ran out of time and covid hit tho

2020-12-11 01:23:38 UTC  

States need to amend laws thru state legislature. The others are rogue actors thinking they will get away with breaking these laws

2020-12-11 01:23:44 UTC  

SCOTUS own ruling in the South Carolina case shows that they do care about protecting citizens who vote in good faith.

2020-12-11 01:24:59 UTC  

Yes! @TaLoN132. We disparage I think is the word if other states follow laws and theses handful don’t

2020-12-11 01:25:07 UTC  

The others are the sec. Of state and election boards that were delegated the power by their legislature

2020-12-11 01:25:39 UTC  

When will Texas start following laws? 🍿

2020-12-11 01:26:09 UTC  

No @Stygian Abyss State legislature must amend law. Those others don’t make election law in their state

2020-12-11 01:26:43 UTC  

Texas amended their laws

2020-12-11 01:26:48 UTC  

@Dedkraken lower taxes, no wars, great economy before covid and even now hanging in there, protections and opportunities for people of color. He cares about his country -- what exactly has he gotten out of this? Except the baseless stupidity of the attacks. Glad he has a thick skin. Yeah he should stay off twitter and some other stuff but if you really look at what he has accomplished for all of us -- well I have learned a lot from sites such as Officer Tatum and other black conservatives what he has done to help us ALL.

2020-12-11 01:27:00 UTC  

I'm new here how do you directly reply to a post

2020-12-11 01:27:12 UTC  

Phone or computer?

2020-12-11 01:27:48 UTC  


2020-12-11 01:27:49 UTC  

I'm on a phone

2020-12-11 01:27:57 UTC  

a megaphone?

2020-12-11 01:28:13 UTC  

Hold your finger over your comment or theirs it brings up menu to edit or quote

2020-12-11 01:28:48 UTC  

I'm not so sure... He has amassed more that $210m for his defense. Matt Braynard produced a list of voters that he believed may have been defrauded during the election. Trump knows Braynard. He could hire a small army of Private Investigators to chase down each one of these leads to reveal actual fraud. Turn them over to the authorities. Make sure the media are there as they are arrested and brought into custody. Since there was so much fraud, it should be easy to find... Unless... There's nothing to find.

2020-12-11 01:28:50 UTC  

SEPERATION OF POWERs -- Our Founding Fathers had great wisdom -- a lot of this mess was created NOT by the State Legislatures who are the only ones who have the power.

2020-12-11 01:28:58 UTC  

Thank you👏👏👏

2020-12-11 01:28:58 UTC  

So Texas amended their laws and.....that means they should be able to break them?

2020-12-11 01:29:03 UTC  

All states, this year and for as far back as elections have happened, have had state suits filed and differences and illegalities called out on their own states. Stone just handled it better than others.. but why does TX think it has standing when there is alternate venue?

2020-12-11 01:29:36 UTC  

Scotus tx case is only about 4 states breaking their election laws. It takes away from states that followed their laws. And disavows? Their true fair votes

2020-12-11 01:29:57 UTC  

They aren't the only ones, they delegate heavily and chose to let others run the elections and let their electors be chosen by those elections

2020-12-11 01:29:57 UTC  

ATF changes rules that makes people fellons without legislation.
They are allowed.
Only the state legislature can change election laws concerning federal offices.

2020-12-11 01:31:20 UTC  

Constitution law state state legislatures are the ones that decide electors and make state election laws

2020-12-11 01:32:47 UTC  

@TaLoN132 The media?? The ones who didn't report on Hunter Biden? The legacy media has no integrity -- deregulation has lead to 6 corporations owning 90% of the newspapers, radio channels & news channels -- it is SCARY -- now on top of that Big Tech is donating BIG BUCKS to state election boards and sensoring free speach - it is terrifying, how does tis country stand a chance.

2020-12-11 01:33:37 UTC  

And yet... they weren't. PA SC upheld that they had followed the law. In fact, the US SC had a chance to weigh in before the election and they chose not to. The rest of the states have also determined for themselves that they followed their own laws.

2020-12-11 01:33:40 UTC  

Guess whose buying politicians? China

2020-12-11 01:33:55 UTC  

@pinkie2 agreed!

2020-12-11 01:34:21 UTC  

China is not the only one

2020-12-11 01:34:30 UTC  

Texas AG is facing 100 years in prison for election fixing, bribery, abuse of office and more. He filed this lawsuit to get a pardon from Trump. His subordinates all became whistleblowers provoking an FBI investigation and he fired them all. TX runs far less fair elections but wants to go to other states to complain. Maybe get your own house in order. 🍿 🍿

2020-12-11 01:34:31 UTC  

No one wants to encourage China, really. You think that's an actual thing?

2020-12-11 01:35:39 UTC  

@TaLoN132 PA SC -- didn't even look at the merits of the case they dismissed cause of latches, what a joke -- thank heaves for the those fighting on behalf of our Founding Fathers and what the United States stands for.

2020-12-11 01:35:59 UTC  

Pa didn’t. They changed a law right before. I think it was 77 rogue actors changed. Not state legislature. During 1918 pandemic no election laws were changed. Covid alone is not a reason to break election laws

2020-12-11 01:36:24 UTC  

Fearmongering is generally an indication of a poor position on an issue... Because if facts aren't on our side, maybe scaring them will work.

2020-12-11 01:36:27 UTC  

Each state is different though. Utah had had 100% unsolicited mail in ballots for years.. hasn't caused widespread fraud in any of those years.

2020-12-11 01:36:27 UTC  

@Stygian Abyss, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-11 01:36:32 UTC  

Different case...

2020-12-11 01:36:33 UTC  

Please show the sources. The Texas AG has the number of cases that have been dead docketed and new allegations with a special prosecutor.