Message from @Doc

Discord ID: 788588997781356574

2020-12-16 02:07:46 UTC  

That was 1 case for show. Not the dozens of others.

2020-12-16 02:07:50 UTC  

If you don’t think there is fraud and this election is being stolen by the Democrats ur stupid

2020-12-16 02:07:56 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit I am very calm for someone enraged enough to support the use of nukes in my nations defense. Or anything more potent if it becomes available.
@Whithers Yes, relative to that, I am amazed you can even type right now.

2020-12-16 02:07:59 UTC  

No it's because the plaintiffs have no case. Because they have no evidence that is compelling for a ruling in their favor.

2020-12-16 02:08:09 UTC  

I’m talking about supreme

2020-12-16 02:08:26 UTC  

Last time I played Illuminati the New World Order by Steve Jackson Games, I played the Grays which used Geraldo's brother to get the Luddites access to the Space Station so Nancy Reagan could rule the world.

2020-12-16 02:08:40 UTC  

Me and the Supreme Court and a whole host of judges that Trump appointed I guess.

2020-12-16 02:08:53 UTC  

They do have evidence you just watch msm that doesn’t show it

2020-12-16 02:08:53 UTC  

@scottygraham7, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-16 02:08:55 UTC  

**Please** chill out a bit. I can understand being frustrated but we have to keep a level of decorum on this server with one another. Just tossing constant blame to one side isn't acceptable, and less so is saying everyone of one side is evil/ruining the country/enemies of the country, etc.

2020-12-16 02:09:06 UTC  

> Me and the Supreme Court and a whole host of judges that Trump appointed I guess.
@meglide and Mitch

2020-12-16 02:09:08 UTC  

The court system couldnt be more stacked in Trumps favor

2020-12-16 02:09:37 UTC  

Over in the <#771201221145919499> channel we've gone over this evidence and quite some detail. It is severely lacking.

2020-12-16 02:09:55 UTC  

Just trying to break it to him slowly

2020-12-16 02:10:10 UTC  

Have u seen dominion voting

2020-12-16 02:10:11 UTC  

> Just trying to break it to him slowly
@meglide Fair. New.

2020-12-16 02:10:36 UTC  

Dominion voting is meant for fraud elections

2020-12-16 02:10:53 UTC  

68% error in this election

2020-12-16 02:10:56 UTC  

@Whithers oh ok thank you. First time chatting

2020-12-16 02:11:03 UTC  

I still think it has constitutional merit. Really doesn’t seem like our checks and balances are working correctly.

2020-12-16 02:11:08 UTC  

Indeed. I suggest going to <#771201221145919499> and scroll up. There are two weeks worth of reading on the evidence. All sides and then some.

2020-12-16 02:11:13 UTC  

Yes we've gone all through that. You're about a month behind on all this. Every ballot in Georgia has a paper copy and they counted every ballot by hand all 5 million of them added them all up and came up with the same number that those Dominion voting machines came up with. Well what do you know about that.

2020-12-16 02:11:42 UTC  

@Maw Blame Tr. V. To consider responsible for a misdeed, failure, or undesirable outcome
N. The state of being responsible for a fault or error; culpability.

You hold some lesser standing should be applied where a faction of persons are seeking to eradicate our nation and replace its governing principles with Marxist tyranny?

2020-12-16 02:11:51 UTC  

Well the Supreme Court justices didn't see it that way

2020-12-16 02:12:05 UTC  

Has Ga been able to straighten out all the chain of custody paperwork issues they were having?

2020-12-16 02:12:11 UTC  

Georgia election was fraud. They used suitcase ballots to cheat and doubled the votes for Biden. You stupid

2020-12-16 02:12:23 UTC  


2020-12-16 02:12:28 UTC  

They haven’t

2020-12-16 02:12:29 UTC  

Actually I think thy dismissed on standing, not merit

2020-12-16 02:12:35 UTC  

Been over that too.

2020-12-16 02:12:42 UTC  

No, I don't subscribe to the idea that we're about to undergo a sudden transformation into the "USSR2: Electric boogaloo"

2020-12-16 02:12:49 UTC  

Who’s been over it

2020-12-16 02:12:53 UTC  

Because it has no merit therefore it has no standing.

2020-12-16 02:12:55 UTC  

Wasn’t the supreme

2020-12-16 02:13:29 UTC  

I’ve been thinking more like the USSA (United socialist states of America) is where Biden and harris will lead us

2020-12-16 02:13:29 UTC  

If had lots of issues. Standing merit estoppel laches

2020-12-16 02:14:01 UTC  

Was that what the justices rendered in their opinion?

2020-12-16 02:14:03 UTC  

Folks in this discord channel have been following the cases very closely. We've been reading the court documents. Listening to the oral arguments. Looking at pretty much everything we can.

2020-12-16 02:14:09 UTC  

@Free2Think You cant lead any nation where it doesnt already want to go. 😉

2020-12-16 02:14:10 UTC  

If states could tell other states how to run election Texas would be top of the list to reform 😂

2020-12-16 02:14:26 UTC  

> @Maw Blame Tr. V. To consider responsible for a misdeed, failure, or undesirable outcome
> N. The state of being responsible for a fault or error; culpability.
> You hold some lesser standing should be applied where a faction of persons are seeking to eradicate our nation and replace its governing principles with Marxist tyranny?
@Whithers We don't jettison the law or the Constitution because of your ideological fears. Patriots won't stand for that. It's a thing. Sorry for your luck.