Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 788607211995398164

2020-12-16 03:14:47 UTC  

It seems like you're trying to elicit a thoughtful response, I don't know if I'm capable at this juncture. I'll get back to you in a few.

2020-12-16 03:15:18 UTC  

As scheduled in gradual procession to the return of cyclical events.

2020-12-16 03:15:41 UTC  

No, he did not. He was in no way responsible for that technology. He attempted to reduce the penalties on those that found it cheaper to abandon their nation for foreign labor. and the Unions were complicit. They agreed to have their jobs shipped to Sri Lanka if doing so would keep high returns on their profit shares and retirement packages. (The name for Profit Sharing 100 years ago was Microcommunism.)

2020-12-16 03:16:26 UTC  

@busillis nono, just a caveat. I dont view politics as particulary important, other than datapoints with origin in the past.

2020-12-16 03:17:41 UTC  

That is kind of like saying, "I don't consider matter" to be important.

2020-12-16 03:17:54 UTC  

The cause fully understands the consequence.

2020-12-16 03:18:00 UTC  

@Whithers That is possible. Matter is a product of the senses.

2020-12-16 03:19:01 UTC  


2020-12-16 03:19:09 UTC  

@Doc That is the exact opposite of reality on a tangent. Senses attempt to detect reality. They do not create it. Existence is regardless of the accuracy of one's awareness of it.

2020-12-16 03:19:15 UTC  

@inwa yes=

2020-12-16 03:20:32 UTC  

Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Nixon ... Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, FDR ordered citizens to hand over their physical gold at $20/ounce and once they did promptly change it to $35/ounce and Nixon ended the convertibility of the dollar to gold by foreign nations ending the Bretton Woods system agreed to after WW2. This means our currency is fully a fiat currency and the federal government is able to run deficits eternally and the Federal Reserve will monetize the debt. ... Until the crack-up boom.

2020-12-16 03:20:41 UTC  

@Whithers Your world is highy politicized and polerized. Mine is apolitical and full of gray-spectrums. I have nothing bad to say about your world, it just isnt mine. I dont think, however, it is possible for two people with so different understandings of the world around them to have a meaningful discussion.

2020-12-16 03:20:46 UTC  

does anyone know anythign about Gitlab?

2020-12-16 03:21:34 UTC  

? Is that a production facility for a specific stereotype of Englishman?

2020-12-16 03:21:40 UTC  

supposedly that is where the leaked CCP list can be found but I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s a legit site

2020-12-16 03:21:40 UTC  

enough to know I don't care for it

2020-12-16 03:22:20 UTC  

Fiat is backed by the force of the military, the citizens probably don't want to see what that looks like, those citizens of many other nations have.

2020-12-16 03:22:41 UTC  

The time bombs Reagan set were egregiously reckless.

Still back reading.

2020-12-16 03:23:19 UTC  

To be fair, he genuinely believed in some bad ideas.

2020-12-16 03:23:19 UTC  

I thought Reagans job was collect and read good jokes?

2020-12-16 03:23:30 UTC  


2020-12-16 03:23:34 UTC  

and when you can't feed your military? ... you are done

2020-12-16 03:23:51 UTC  

Scorched Earth Ronnie

2020-12-16 03:23:56 UTC  

Its fitting that a man who made it his mission to be funny, was shot as a prank.

2020-12-16 03:24:09 UTC  

Nope. Reagan was supposed to play Cowboys badly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2020-12-16 03:24:14 UTC  


2020-12-16 03:24:34 UTC  

The military will be the last to go hungry.

2020-12-16 03:24:41 UTC  

Madman strategy and Cowboystrategy. Not bad. Brought down the SU

2020-12-16 03:25:41 UTC  

nope the farmers, else the military become farmers

2020-12-16 03:25:59 UTC  
2020-12-16 03:26:20 UTC  

Yes. The Ruskies would do something, and declare they could win a hot war. Reagan would ignore them and deploy tech everyone knew the Ruskies could defeat. The Ruskies were convinced we knew something about reality they did not know.

2020-12-16 03:26:50 UTC  

@meglide the man had a bigger collection of handwritten jokes than any statesman before or after him.

2020-12-16 03:28:08 UTC  

@Whithers It worked. The russian is still paranoid.

2020-12-16 03:28:20 UTC  

at about the 2:30 mark

2020-12-16 03:29:23 UTC  

Eliminating the top tax bracket "disincentivised" corporations from reinvesting from paying their middle managers better, investing in infrastructure improvements, and investing in R&D. Adjusted for inflation the first $7m would have been taxed at our current top tax bracket. Anything about $7m, was taxed at 74% (since the mid 60's, it used to be higher). It made no sense to pay people more that $7m, because the govt would get most of it. That's why CEO's, actors, athletes, etc. didn't used to make obscene amounts of money before 1980. Look at the earnings of Joe Namath, Terry Bradshaw, Cy Young, etc. They made nothing compared to what athletes make now. Movies cost a dollar, gas was cheap, you could take your family to a ball game for $50 and leave with a jersey.

We had a strong middle class, our innovation was off the charts, people had great retirements, few people complained about healthcase (because their union contracts covered it), most people paid into pensions (but Wall Street wanted that money and convinced us that 401K's would be better)... It all changed with the Trickle-down theory. Rich people get rich by not spending their money.

With no penalty for paying insane salaries - there was no reason to distribute the wealth. Why pay the American worker what they are worth, when we can go offshore and pay pennies on the dollar. Hell, we even pay for the Navy to protect those shipping lanes. It all starts with Reagan.

2020-12-16 03:30:18 UTC  

@meglide there you go. Thus my comment above. No one wanted a POTUS with opinions after Carter. Ronald took this job seriously!

2020-12-16 03:30:41 UTC  

(pun intended)

2020-12-16 03:31:01 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Yup. Time delayed wrecking ball. We got to live to pay the price.

2020-12-16 03:31:37 UTC  

@TaLoN132 "It all starts with Reagan." WRONG starts with Wilson ends with Nixon ... ever president after that is just along for the ride.

2020-12-16 03:31:59 UTC  

I always thought it started with Washington...

2020-12-16 03:32:19 UTC  

Adam and Eve as the story goes