Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 789690240959774720

2020-12-19 03:04:30 UTC  

They didnt

2020-12-19 03:04:34 UTC  

*Nationalism*, in the sense that Trump uses it, it to put America *first*, not other nations. I see nothing wrong with this attitude. One should stand for their nation or put it's people first and foremost.

2020-12-19 03:04:38 UTC  

Yeah. And Iran fought Iraq

2020-12-19 03:04:42 UTC  

Both Muslim countries

2020-12-19 03:04:44 UTC  

Alt-history. Don't indulge.

2020-12-19 03:04:52 UTC  

I guess 1 of them wasn't really Muslim

2020-12-19 03:05:05 UTC  

Everyone knows you can never fight someone with the same ideology or belief.

2020-12-19 03:05:07 UTC  

you are serious with the Iran Iraq comment? or was that a joke?

2020-12-19 03:05:16 UTC  

We imposed gun control on Germany

2020-12-19 03:05:23 UTC  

America should feed it's own hungry instead of letting them starve and feed other nations. Feed our hungry, then feed others.

2020-12-19 03:05:26 UTC  

Why did Stalin assassinate Trotsky

2020-12-19 03:05:30 UTC  

They were both commies

2020-12-19 03:05:43 UTC  

Certainly every disciple of Ayn Rand should hold to the America First policy - that is the fundament of her first exploration of political philosophy.

2020-12-19 03:05:45 UTC  

@Birkley yes that will be the only reason i can agree the cant censored. But a company that dont received money from the government they cant say what they could censor

2020-12-19 03:05:46 UTC  

Oh right commie vs commie. Simple answer.

2020-12-19 03:05:52 UTC  

How dare an entire, thriving population value equality and liberty over authoritarian rule. They are nationalists and must be eradicated. We can blame them later.

2020-12-19 03:06:06 UTC  

> America should feed it's own hungry instead of letting them starve and feed other nations. Feed our hungry, then feed others.
@Bey That's socialism, brotha. Whithers will be displeased.

2020-12-19 03:06:08 UTC  

You do realize that the enemy of my enemy may be a temporary ally but not necessarily a friend, right?

2020-12-19 03:06:20 UTC  

All nations, except the United States, put their nations first. America is the only exception.

2020-12-19 03:06:34 UTC  

Or was America communist when it joined forces with soviet russia in ww2?

2020-12-19 03:07:05 UTC  

Why do all Hitler was a socialist arguments start with Hitler could never lie. That degree of evil was beyond him 🤔:rolling_eyes:

2020-12-19 03:07:33 UTC  

Teach the hungry how to fish. If someone is down, help them up so they may walk on their own. Temporary assistance is not socialism, but temporary aid.

2020-12-19 03:07:46 UTC  

Why do all Hitler wasn't a socialist arguments exclude all the socialist policies he implemented?

2020-12-19 03:07:55 UTC  

Like seizing control of industries

2020-12-19 03:08:02 UTC  

Censoring free speech

2020-12-19 03:08:08 UTC  

Which is what the modern left is doing.

2020-12-19 03:08:09 UTC  

I disagree there. When they are the only "public square" in a time of "lockdown" they should also be limited from attempting to censor. The "third place" has always been considered absolutely crucial for a democratic society. so... the removal of any "third place" and allowing online censorship is essentially infringing upon 1st ammendment rights.

2020-12-19 03:08:15 UTC  

The right is more free speech than the left.

2020-12-19 03:08:25 UTC  

You're either pro free speech or you're not.

2020-12-19 03:08:28 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:08:40 UTC  

Hitler was pro free speech too fyi. As long as it was pro-Hitler.

2020-12-19 03:08:44 UTC  

That's not free speech.

2020-12-19 03:08:44 UTC  

You wouldnt know a policy if it bite you rear 😂

2020-12-19 03:08:53 UTC  

More not knowing what socialism means. You'd think people who hate something so much would know the bare minimum.

2020-12-19 03:09:02 UTC  

We were warned about this

2020-12-19 03:09:05 UTC  

After WW II bombed everyone else into the stone age, the US found it could make and control a lot of friends by putting them on the dole. Now that Trump is requiring the friendship be real instead of purchased, those whose profits depended on kickbacks from buying favor are terrified at the potential loss of personal revenue.

2020-12-19 03:09:06 UTC  

Nobody listens

2020-12-19 03:09:14 UTC  

A literal communist defector warned us

2020-12-19 03:09:17 UTC  

And nobody listened

2020-12-19 03:09:28 UTC  

He predicted everything

2020-12-19 03:09:31 UTC  

Lemme link