
Discord ID: 789669730369273856

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2020-12-19 02:14:34 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  


2020-12-19 02:18:36 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

ok. so to group, thoughts and how concerned are you about this: What is up with Chinese troops on Michigan border in Canada and msm not talking about the two shot down F16's, Trudeau saying he will use force against US if Trump refuses to "respect democracy" and then that being "fact checked" away and msm saying Chinese troops have left when they are still roaming around yards from US border?

2020-12-19 02:19:42 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@ImNotGas yes, plenty. msm did vreifly cover the first one

2020-12-19 02:20:07 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Whithers yes, but military action is a bit different

2020-12-19 02:20:16 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@ImNotGas one sec i'm new to this

2020-12-19 02:21:49 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@ImNotGas they only covered the first, notice the highlight portion

2020-12-19 02:22:28 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Bey @Whithers are you all familiar with Kamal harris MFPD? masonic police force? that one is a doosey

2020-12-19 02:24:56 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Whithers so you are familiar with the masonic police force and the guy saying Kamala was gonna off him and she dropped the charges and then he died of a heart attack later the afternoon his charges dropped?

2020-12-19 02:25:45 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Maw with you on the no harm, but a lot of those people do belong in gitmo

2020-12-19 02:28:35 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Whithers he posted a video in his full garb saying they were going to kill him and as soon as kamala dropped the charges he was dead hours later. he was not incarcerated. i'm not sure if he was on heart meds he was pretty young.

2020-12-19 02:28:45 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@ImNotGas which L bro?

2020-12-19 02:30:52 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Whithers i'm pretty sure you can still find the video on youtube. he said that "the police" were going to kill him... however, kamal had a law to lose there. It was her assisstant and the guy that walked in to Santa Clarita PD dressed as officers saying they were the masonic police force and were taking all masonic police business and they controlled 33 cities/police forces across US and one in Mexico

2020-12-19 02:36:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@Whithers its been continually reposted, almost daily by people... bc it has some serious implications for what actually happened in the election in terms of theft and the lock out of the electors in MI when same police locked them out that locked out the ballot contesters. I have it saved along with a decade of research on an external hard drive but i'm not quite sure how that applies to this chat function business.

2020-12-19 02:39:20 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

also: to group. anyone got any thoughts on how bizarre electors getting locked out of MI by police actually was? and then after two hours of media darkness coming back and them playing the "Black National Anthem" ? That shit is crazy racist. if that was white ppl, that shit would have been considered most racist bs of last 50 years (aside from you know, Biden drug laws and general mass incarcerations)

2020-12-19 02:43:05 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

hey group how do i see messages i'm tagged in?

2020-12-19 02:46:38 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

thank you @Whithers i keep getting them and maybe i'm not first listed or something i've never used this before so i'm a bit fish out of water here

2020-12-19 02:47:12 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@MatiLuc dude have you read the bill? its kinda weird...

2020-12-19 02:49:43 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

No one is yelling Fire in a movie theatre here. And I think we all know exactly why these people are censoring. 4 years on false allegations of "foreign collusion in election" was everywhere on msm... and now you get put in facebook jail for using any combo of election, fraud, China etc

2020-12-19 02:51:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

well if it mostly goes to paying for vaccines and possibly forcing them on people when we know that the vaccine does not stop you from getting co vid, spreading co vid, doesn't reduce symptoms or stop you from dying from co vid... what is it? and why is it most of the money in that bill?

2020-12-19 02:52:38 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

with you. and what they pulled pre ww1 to pass sedition is pretty freaky as is... so... freedom of speech should not be limited if it is criticizing the government or its policiies

2020-12-19 02:53:01 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

yeah. big problem

2020-12-19 02:53:30 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

no ur solid ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-19 02:56:26 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Just bc law hasn't caught up to them, when US citizenry has been locked down and has thus removed all other "third place" and public squares... they should be required to not censor anything regarding election etc

2020-12-19 02:59:15 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

yeah i'm new to this i am kinda just surfing out first run online and hoping to keep track but i can't see any of the messages i'm tagged in so it has me toggling and a bit confused if i'm not first tagged. work in progress ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-19 03:01:21 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@D EMC D EMC no. but it wouldn't surprise me. There are 70% allergic reactions I am surprised they did even gave a live Vaxx on air

2020-12-19 03:02:14 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

who is they?

2020-12-19 03:03:11 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

ah. again. sorry as i said trouble keeping up with tags ive had 18 tags and i can't see most of them.

2020-12-19 03:04:13 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

agreed. and youtube google and other social media are technically government contractors and should not be allowed to do any censoring etc bc of that very fact

2020-12-19 03:05:07 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

you are serious with the Iran Iraq comment? or was that a joke?

2020-12-19 03:08:09 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I disagree there. When they are the only "public square" in a time of "lockdown" they should also be limited from attempting to censor. The "third place" has always been considered absolutely crucial for a democratic society. so... the removal of any "third place" and allowing online censorship is essentially infringing upon 1st ammendment rights.

2020-12-19 03:10:30 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

you think that's why trump is defunding the military?

2020-12-19 03:11:04 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

how you figure?

2020-12-19 03:12:46 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

when has this ever changed? Israel has been on that for a long time, lets be clear--hitler didn't get a budget of world conquest proportions out of no where and his PR campaign was very well designed to insure that no one could ever say anything about a cabal of jewish bankers ever ever again...

2020-12-19 03:20:20 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

hey all. i apparently have missed 38 tagged messages i have no idea where they are--but i'm out. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE THOUGHTS AND OPEN MINDED CONVO. much love and many blessings to all! catch ya on the flippy floppy.

35 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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