Message from @Salo Saloson
Discord ID: 536775806987534337
The only alt media making vids about this is our people the lefty’s are not making vids. That should tell you something off the bat.
It's time like these where we realize it's always best to hold onto hope, keep a cool head, and keep marching forward. Don't be deterred or blackpilled!!!
the boomers are mad because this is such an obvious case of reality getting twisted to meet agendas
This happens and then the patriots beat the chiefs. Coincidence?
Just remember the truth is always on our side guys. We don’t have to lie. Our propaganda is truth.
it's hard to _not_ get mad when you look at what's being said and what they're wanting to do
@Salo Saloson Very true
@Salo Saloson The last few weeks have been really blackpilling lately. Sometimes, it's good to take a break from the news
Has Patrick made a video yet?
There will ALWAYS be conflict. It's good to be informed, but you have to TRY not to take it too personally. It's just too much for people to handle
I don’t understand honestly what the complaint about the catholic dudes was?
@Nerv - VA They're really wasn't one tbh. The original video got released, the narrative was spun that the American Indian was harassed, and wha-la
I messaged a dude claiming to be in the background to look us up.
It really was just an instance of: "WHITE MAN BAD!!"
yeah, the past few weeks with Trump have been aggravating
even more annoying is people telling me, "illegal immigration is bad... so let's make legal immigration easier"
Haha dude that can only go on for so long. We are going to win I believe in the pendulum .
I have to fight the urge to go full _bruh_ moment on them
Plus the guy was Pro-Life, and they've been quite desperate to take that movement apart as well. Kill two birds with one stone
this will be exciting to see unfold.
if the school expels the students, you can be sure the parents will sue the school, archdiocese, and media for libel/slander
if the students aren't reprimanded, protests will only increase at the school until they have to shut it down imo
Honestly, I think the situation was just too juicy for the Left to resist. They got sloppy. Too eager
you can't say someone engaged in... well, whatever they originally said the kids did, run the stories, and then just go, "WHOOPS! My bad."
2018: media gets alex jones sued
2019: media gets sued
Pro life is the biggest march in the country. It’s famous for NOT being covered even by fox. They are the largest protest every year and no one knows that.
@Salo Saloson Agreed. These people have no honor.
They're also not exactly rich in the first place
i bet they've got quality wife material at the march <:patrickvikernes:423301225749151744>
So _if_ Anna Navarro gets taken to court for her comments... boy I'm gonna be (insert McDonald's jingle noise here) lovin' it
@Nerv - VA So true dude. A true story, my dad went to a pro-life march last year and the media used photos of them as part of the Women's March crowd lol
They used Pro-Life marchers as fake evidence that the Women's March was huge
@Nico The Great - CA i saw that too
we need to ramp up the "the press is the enemy of the people" rhetoric
Yea I believe it, my parents used to take me to them and I was confused why people were yelling at us.
@Goose Completely agreed. You don't have to be an edgelord/authoritarian to say "The Press is the Enemy of the People" at this point. Irrefutably true
@Nerv - VA getting to engage with rabid, low-IQ lefties in person? <:nervous:359009898115104770>
sign me up
@Goose I actually might be going to a Pro-Life march this weekend, so we'll see how that goes
I'll likely be spending time volunteering with some local activist groups. I haven't done any community stuff in... forever. I need to get my activism skills tuned up.
(_hint hint_ to my fellow IE-ers)
"oh this is your first time attending?"
me: "yea, save the babies and stuff... so where are the libshits at?"
"I'm just here for the arguments"