Message from @Enkrateia - CO
Discord ID: 544272018988597250
@DixieBoy76 - KY thank you for the list. i was thinking slightly more on the contemporary side, but this will do as well
Oh, I thought that @Asatru Artist - MD was asking. But you’re welcome! 😄
wow, that was intense
You did a great job
I’m so proud of you. 😭😭😭
thanks a lot dude, I was so nervous
I don't want to eat bugs, fam
Almost reminds me of a sci fi book I read as a child. The entire worlds pop is moved to England because of some fake disease outbreak. And the super wealthy elites enjoy the entire world as a nature preserve.
And the plebs in England eat artificial food grown from mold.
It’s from the Rothschilds Economist. It’s a ploy by the Globalist elites to get us off eating meat. Just like veganism. @Logan
Don’t fall for it.
Look you silly gentiles we can have more of you as atomized economic units if you eat bugs and live paycheck to paycheck.
nick fuentes was right about his take on the bug thing
That’s basically their plan for us to move into smart cities while they live out on their vast plots of land. @Sam Anderson
I'm not one to use the term globalist overly often because that's a boomer thing. But all this eating bugs, eliminating personally owned cars, pushing people into commie blocks to save the environment is just an effort to reduce humans to less free drones.
Jay Dyer covers this topic well. The plans of the elites to control and corral us all together, putting us in tiny apartments. Kind of like blade runner.
Veganism works well for me. But I came because I saw the following and thought of IE. The title, "Release from Deception (Il Disinganno)," seems apropos. Note that even the net is marble.
^I love this one
I’m not saying veganism might not work for some people. But it’s a form of control by the ruling class to limit meat in our diets.
While they eat whatever they want.
Eating less meat generally correlates to better health, so I'm not sure that follows. But I don't want to digress much on that subject.
There are so many variables with the meat thing. Eating more meat also correlates to a careless diet.
doesn't mean the meats bad
Honestly why we havent actually dedicated our scientific might to detemine the perfect human diet and exercise regimine is infuriating, we have the tools to determine the ultimate human condition but want that
Was thinking of a diet consisting entirely of animal products just as a fun thing to do, I believe there are a couple people on this server who do that.
@missliterallywho is doing that right now
It may be a turn off to most, but i started incorporating raw eggs. It works really well for me.
they taste like shit, but the egg is a perfect food
I would be concerned about whether someone could obtain all essential nutrients if they ate only animal substances.
Well the same can be said of vegans
Vegans can.
@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA yea I like it for other people. As in, not me.
Vegans definitely are missing essential and nonessential nutrients. Unless they get their shots. Which, certainly aren't natural.
B12 though
vitamin a
Veganism works until your B12 stores run out and you start experiencing irreversible neurological damage lmao
I take daily and weekly supps. Blood tests are consistently good.
I'm just going to take the opportunity once again to plug that people should supplement vitamin D