Message from @missliterallywho
Discord ID: 544278720131629099
"Less meat is tied to better heath" bro epidemiological studies prove nothing
aww the orangutans did a lady and the tramp on that severed limb
I mean I wouldn't be surprised if vegetarians are healthier, but not because they're vegetarian directly, just because they constantly monitor every little thing they eat
^ this
They're less likely to smoke, more likely to exercise, drink water, etc
There has never been a study purely comparing meat to no meat, controlled for all those variables
Or vegetables to no vegetables for that matter
vegetarians: "omg did I get enough [obscure vitamin number 148842069] to not die today?"
also vegetarians: "haha what do you mean where do I get my nutrients? just read this book length guide on how to eat the perfect amount of nutrients to not die"
They are defenseless against this
to be fair
Idk but serious doubt there
the people who proselytize veganism on college campuses are actually really polite
but it's just not something I could do
There has never been a human population of any substantial size that has existed on a vegan diet for any significant amount of time
I'm not gonna feel guilty for doing something that I evolved to do
kinda like how I don't feel guilty for being raysis
@Jacob did I share this nutrition autism with you yet?
The whole website generally, not just that post
no but that looks fun thanks
you should send me this stuff whenever something interesting comes up
I need more hobbies lol
I was actually thinking all raysists should get into nutrition so that way when someone walks in on one of our meetings we can all simultaneously switch to something normal to talk about
There's a carnivore conference in Boulder the day before the IE conference. Yet another event I can't go to 😭
just keeps promoting this stuff in here so then the IE conference effectively becomes the same thing
that's actually what happened during the camping trip last Summer in Washington
we didn't even really talk about minorities we just talked about keto most of the time
The IE conference will actually just be vegan vs carnivore debate and nothing else
The 3 vegans in IE vs everyone else
i think there are more than 3
We definitely have some vegans.
whats to discuss about armenians
Manlet / Lanklet Truce Achieved. Now Diet is the Wedge issue
Nothing according to Cenk Uger...
For maximum insane gains you have to do the all burrito diet. You eat all foods in burrito form
>just a tortilla full of whey powder
Haha wow gross....but yes. That would be an example of how the diet works
Tortuga diet.
All turtle meat, every day
And you wear the shells as armor
What is happening lol