Message from @GreenPixel

Discord ID: 598890556218671104

2019-07-10 21:46:15 UTC  

This was 13 years ago or so. Ban never lifted.

2019-07-10 21:46:40 UTC  

Trump will have nothing to do with this pervert.

2019-07-11 01:04:32 UTC  

If anyone really think those kids will get justice... think again

2019-07-11 01:37:23 UTC  

Well time will tell. Till now I was positive they would never get Justice. Now I have to wonder is it possible they will. I never thought it possible Epstein would end up in Prison. Yet he is there not out on bail. Bail was refused him. I never thought that possible for someone so closely tied to the Clintons.

2019-07-11 01:38:37 UTC  

I doubt seriously he will get bail at this point. Anything is possible though. At this point I wonder will he live to see the trial more than I wonder will he get bail.

2019-07-11 01:43:53 UTC  

I do not know how to hide a picture. Could someone help me and only post it if it is OK. Sorting aborted babies.

2019-07-11 12:09:03 UTC  


2019-07-11 12:09:07 UTC  


2019-07-11 12:09:10 UTC  


2019-07-11 12:59:53 UTC  

ayo bois

2019-07-11 13:54:53 UTC  

why do you guys believe in a gay agenda?

2019-07-11 14:35:25 UTC  

Believe? You mean like your globe religion?

2019-07-11 14:45:00 UTC  

I can't even begin to understand this entire side of debating

2019-07-11 14:47:04 UTC  

Like I just can't comprehend it

2019-07-11 14:47:30 UTC  

Which makes it harder to debate cuz there are no shoes to put myself in

2019-07-11 14:47:40 UTC  

First sentence is a strawman, seems like FE's sometimes dont even want to debate

2019-07-11 14:48:55 UTC  

Bruh the closest to a debate I have gotten from them is some dude acting like a 6 year old girl chanting crappy insults when I murdered his points.

It just befuddles me.

2019-07-11 14:55:45 UTC  

Sheeple only posts random gifs day after day

2019-07-11 14:55:53 UTC  

actual verbal debate is useless

2019-07-11 14:56:30 UTC  

I was on 24/7 flat earth server, they don't argue logics, arguments, even stating that something points towards curved earth, "Give me ONE evidence proving earth is a globe". I didn't want to go into that cause one experiment alone other than taking picture of the eart h is not proof of earth. So I said I will discuss why the earth is NOT flat, I just listed a bunch of observations and asked how those are possible on FE. I said those are only possible on a cruved earth, they said "how is that proof of a ball earth", I said no it's not but it's definitly proof that the earth is not flat, but curved in an unknown angle. Im not saying I won any argument in any way or form but I don't think they enjoy that way of discussing. They seem to have this built in path of discussion where they end up in gravity not being proved, hence ball is fake, I have seen to many of these discussions that I want to follow that path with them.

2019-07-11 14:57:15 UTC  

**BuT ThAtS NoT DiReCT MEaSuReMenT**

2019-07-11 14:57:29 UTC  


2019-07-11 14:57:44 UTC  


2019-07-11 14:58:05 UTC  


2019-07-11 14:59:23 UTC  

I got banned from one server because the FEr couldn't explain the Octans to me

2019-07-11 15:00:18 UTC  

Yeah, I don't want to go into those traps with them, it's not like you lose the argument, but it's never ending, nobody wins or lose. It ends up with that since we don't know everything about absolutly everything, everything goes, the earth might be flat, or it might be a ball so who's to tell. Even though just simple observation's proof that earth is NOT flat, even if it doesn't prove the earth is a ball. It's very simple to prove that the earth is not flat.

2019-07-11 15:00:59 UTC  


2019-07-11 15:01:03 UTC  

Lol all I do is disprove their precious icewall and it tends to tip them over the edge of sanity

2019-07-11 15:01:57 UTC  

The issue is, the entire flat earth movement is based upon distrust
To me it shows a sort of insecurity

2019-07-11 15:02:03 UTC  

Almost paranoia

2019-07-11 15:02:18 UTC  

Because distrust is what all their arguments are ultimately based off

2019-07-11 15:03:27 UTC  


2019-07-11 15:07:51 UTC  

Flat earthers watch this I genuinely want to see their thoughts

2019-07-11 17:00:19 UTC  

You guys are a sick bunch

2019-07-11 17:53:18 UTC  

Are there any flat earthers here or is it entirely debunkers

2019-07-11 17:56:23 UTC  

there's a few legit ones here for sure.

2019-07-11 17:58:17 UTC  

```I got banned from one server because the FEr couldn't explain the Octans to me```
They can't explain it. Might as well ban! Problem solved.

2019-07-11 18:46:12 UTC  

@Funk @GreenPixel You confuse me. What I see is Globe Earthers bring up gravity. They seem to think that we Flat Earthers think Gravity is FAKE. No we do not. We just understand that mass to mass attraction is FAKE. And seems like Globe Earth believers refuse to disconnect the two. Not sure why they think they can connect FAKE Unproven with Real and proven. The connection is FAKE.

Then the Ice Wall. No Glober can claim there is no Ice Wall. There is and it is long and massive. They seem to cherry pick several places where the ice is melted by Volcanic activity which warms the ground. Making even ports sometimes possible.

2019-07-11 18:48:40 UTC  

You can not take a ship to the South Pole. That is really the point of the Ice Wall. There is a blockage down there which is very hard to cross and Governments make it impossible to go there without almost impossible to get permission to go there. Sure if you are a country you can go there. If you are very well connected to the Government you can get there. But if you are a Flat Earther you will never ever get permission to go down there and investigate. Not unless you just go a tiny ways there on some kind of tour that is as highly guarded as going to North Korea.

2019-07-11 18:52:10 UTC  

It is meaningless to book passage on a Cruise Ship that goes technically goes into Antarctica yet does not get to the continent. It is meaningless to book passage on a tour where you can see the penguins. Meaningless to book a flight that goes on a predetermined path which never seems to change. One time they went off course and somehow crashed. The Airline was not allowed to investigate it. Neither was New Zealand. Investigators were chosen by the Governing Force in Antarctica. To think that is somehow of meaning is just to not think at all.

2019-07-11 18:55:25 UTC  

Where we do go. Reality. Is we always see a Flat Earth. Flat Lakes. Flat Oceans. Flat, super flat salt flats. Yes we understand there are tiny bumps here and there. No we make no claim of perfect flatness with no mountains and such. Flat does not mean perfectly flat unless you say perfectly. This is where we go. You deflect to gravity, the ice wall, sundown and sunset and such things that are very meaningless. You deflect to lunar eclipses where you ignore they have occured during daylight near sundown and sunset. You act like that never happens.