Message from @the21cat

Discord ID: 600557509756977173

2019-07-16 00:10:37 UTC  

The cities looked very high end. Lots of skyscrapers and such. Built before the crippling sanctions the USA imposed on them.

2019-07-16 00:11:17 UTC  

Six million people came to Venezuela from Cambodia when we were fighting against them. Three million have returned.

2019-07-16 00:11:22 UTC  

I think the usa also caused some of those tensions too

2019-07-16 00:11:52 UTC  

Those are the people "fleeing" from Venezuela. They are really just returning home.

2019-07-16 00:13:26 UTC  

You can believe the propaganda if you want. But this is simply not true. What is the advantage of having a corportation come in and steal all the oil money? How is that better than a "Dictator" enriching himself while also giving the people free education, free housing and free food.

2019-07-16 00:14:39 UTC  

There are some advantages to capitalism but most are outweighed by corporations

2019-07-16 00:15:17 UTC  

By the way he won many elections and Hugo Chavez allowed opposition. It is Maduro who is not allowing opposition parties because he is sure they are infiltrated by the CIA assets from the USA and other countries.

2019-07-16 00:15:53 UTC  

He is sure if they gain power the Corporations will again be able to steal 95% of the oil money.

2019-07-16 00:16:22 UTC  

Guido won nothing. He is just a complete sham and has perhaps 5% support if that.

2019-07-16 00:17:01 UTC  

He did win like a Congressman in America. A house seat from where he lives.

2019-07-16 00:19:56 UTC  

I wish we had Capitalism but we do not. We have ten Corporations with almost all companies on earth owned by them. That is not Capitalism. Capitalism would never allow Apple, Amazon, Facebook. Twitter and on and on. It would break up those companies to allow competition. Capitalism is competing for selling whatever you sale. We do not have that. All companies work with each other to set prices. No we have Corporatism. Just very small companies are allowed and even those are quickly being absorbed by Corporate Giants.

2019-07-16 00:21:28 UTC  

You have like two choices on buying a phone. Apple or Android. Two for buying a computer Windows or Apple. On and on. How many Restaurants in your city are privately owned with no connection to a Corporation?

2019-07-16 00:22:44 UTC  

My daughter works for a Heart Doctor company. But it is being absorbed by a Corporation. My son wanted to set up an Architectural firm. But found it impossible without having a Corporation rule over him.

2019-07-16 00:25:42 UTC  

That's a lot of text

2019-07-16 00:26:34 UTC  

Propaganda used a lot more to get them to believe all the lies taught to them at school, University and the Mainstream Media owned by a single Corporation in large part.

2019-07-16 02:14:43 UTC  

With the proper capital there wouldn't be anything stopping your son from opening his architectural firm.

2019-07-16 02:18:55 UTC  

Not to mention you claiming there are only 2 types of phones to buy. You ever heard of Huawei? Another phone developer just off the top of my head. It seems far more plausible to me that you surround yourself with like minded people and create an echochamber where you continue to brainwash yourself. There are obvious flaws with the public school systems, political and gender biases but they aren't there to prevent people from realizing the world is a disc.

2019-07-16 02:22:16 UTC  

Oh also Steve could you show me the paper trail that connects all of these corporations to eachother I'd love to believe you about the whole "corporatism not capitalism" but i'm going to need the names of those 10 corporations and the connections between them and seemingly every other corporation in america. Aside from the small ones.

2019-07-16 02:25:47 UTC  

Heavy on claims, light on evidence

2019-07-16 03:05:37 UTC  


2019-07-16 05:21:08 UTC  

It really does have example evidence

2019-07-16 12:44:16 UTC  

i want someone to debate with about the earth being flat my opinion is that the earth is a globe dm me if you want to debate

2019-07-16 13:59:15 UTC  

hello flatties

2019-07-16 17:58:38 UTC  

hello flatties

2019-07-16 17:59:03 UTC  

(im a Globe earther)

2019-07-16 18:31:08 UTC  

@CanadianOdyssey He had the capital. The problems were all the requirement the government puts on it. He would have had to hire lawyers to do a lot of it. He would have had to provide health care and on and on. It made it next to impossible. Under a corporation they do this all the time and can use forms they own for most of the hard work. It is very little for them. They have health insurance which is Corporate owned. On and on.

The laws benefit the Corporations. They have made it very difficult for companies to exist without Corporate help.

Like the medical program my daughters company uses. It is super expensive for even a large Heart Company. Far less for a Corporation. Everything is set up to force companies to sell themselves to Corporations.

2019-07-16 18:38:14 UTC  

@The Unknown Scout Stay here and it is likely you will not stay Globe Earther. Most who even keep that role stop believing in the Globe.

Think of this:
Curve 0.666 feet times miles SQUARED.
Tilt 66.6 degrees opposite tilt to 23.4.
Speed 66,600 around the sun.

All those 666. How is it the earth decided to do everything to the 666 mark of the beast?

Also do the math. 0.666 feet per mile SQUARED is a lot of curve. I never see it. I looked at Norfolk Harbor from 40 miles away. Saw every ship and the water they sat on. Saw at least a hundred sail boats in the Chesapeake Bay I was able to see even more than 40 miles in that. I saw the banks across it. I saw trees on the grass not very high above the banks of the bay. In some places white sand. There was no curve. I was standing on a bridge 20' high. So no waves were blocking my view.

This is the Globe Earth lie. Get close to the water. Sold to fool you into having a wave, you can not really see, blocking your view. They lie that is the curve. They never teach you how the tallest waves come in slowly and the water raises slowly so you never really see the tallest waves. They can take 20 minutes to raise the water before going down again. Why water on the beach goes higher and lower over a long period of time.

2019-07-16 18:55:19 UTC  


2019-07-16 18:55:32 UTC  

earth is round

2019-07-16 18:55:59 UTC  

the fact that this exsists is amazing :/

2019-07-16 18:56:05 UTC  

im a go kms bc of this

2019-07-16 18:59:26 UTC  

!mute @Leminks insults

2019-07-16 18:59:27 UTC  

2019-07-16 19:12:27 UTC  

steve angell you say that the earth is flat right?

2019-07-16 19:12:47 UTC  

@Leminks#4426 Truth can be very difficult to accept. School teaches you to always, no matter what, accept what you are taught as truth. Yet they are indoctrinating you with lies a lot of the time.

2019-07-16 19:13:01 UTC  

would you mind debating me about it

2019-07-16 19:13:28 UTC  

As long as you remain civil. Have to leave in about 15 minutes though.

2019-07-16 19:13:38 UTC  


2019-07-16 19:14:21 UTC  

before i start just asking are you denying gravity or not

2019-07-16 19:15:35 UTC  

I deny what most Globe Earthers think is valid. Mass to mass attraction is a lie. But sure we fall to earth because of something. I just do not know what it is. No one has proven what it is that forces us to fall.

2019-07-16 19:16:02 UTC  

I have done this in a Vacuum chamber at school.