
Discord ID: 259463631668903936

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2019-07-06 20:03:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-07-15 19:44:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

If controlling every bank means controlling ever government than why do banks rely on governments for bail outs?

2019-07-16 02:14:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

With the proper capital there wouldn't be anything stopping your son from opening his architectural firm.

2019-07-16 02:18:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Not to mention you claiming there are only 2 types of phones to buy. You ever heard of Huawei? Another phone developer just off the top of my head. It seems far more plausible to me that you surround yourself with like minded people and create an echochamber where you continue to brainwash yourself. There are obvious flaws with the public school systems, political and gender biases but they aren't there to prevent people from realizing the world is a disc.

2019-07-16 02:22:16 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Oh also Steve could you show me the paper trail that connects all of these corporations to eachother I'd love to believe you about the whole "corporatism not capitalism" but i'm going to need the names of those 10 corporations and the connections between them and seemingly every other corporation in america. Aside from the small ones.

2019-07-16 03:05:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


Did you grow up Christian?

So because you wearing a condom protects you somewhat from one of the dangers of HPV, you think that means the vaccine would be redundant?

2019-07-22 20:55:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

I like how you mute people who disagree with you. Thatโ€™s a really cool move to pull on a โ€œcivil debate serverโ€.

2019-07-22 21:10:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

So instead of allowing the discussion to reach a natural conclusion you mute him and force him to concede. Thatโ€™s an incredibly eloquent argumentation technique.

2019-07-22 21:12:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Thatโ€™s not a troll, youโ€™re just being childish. You disagreed. Get over it. You think heโ€™s wrong he thinks your wrong. If you were that annoyed with the lacking quality you could have just stopped.

11 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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