Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 600766976239075328

2019-07-16 02:18:55 UTC  

Not to mention you claiming there are only 2 types of phones to buy. You ever heard of Huawei? Another phone developer just off the top of my head. It seems far more plausible to me that you surround yourself with like minded people and create an echochamber where you continue to brainwash yourself. There are obvious flaws with the public school systems, political and gender biases but they aren't there to prevent people from realizing the world is a disc.

2019-07-16 02:22:16 UTC  

Oh also Steve could you show me the paper trail that connects all of these corporations to eachother I'd love to believe you about the whole "corporatism not capitalism" but i'm going to need the names of those 10 corporations and the connections between them and seemingly every other corporation in america. Aside from the small ones.

2019-07-16 02:25:47 UTC  

Heavy on claims, light on evidence

2019-07-16 03:05:37 UTC  


2019-07-16 05:21:08 UTC  

It really does have example evidence

2019-07-16 12:44:16 UTC  

i want someone to debate with about the earth being flat my opinion is that the earth is a globe dm me if you want to debate

2019-07-16 13:59:15 UTC  

hello flatties

2019-07-16 17:58:38 UTC  

hello flatties

2019-07-16 17:59:03 UTC  

(im a Globe earther)

2019-07-16 18:31:08 UTC  

@CanadianOdyssey He had the capital. The problems were all the requirement the government puts on it. He would have had to hire lawyers to do a lot of it. He would have had to provide health care and on and on. It made it next to impossible. Under a corporation they do this all the time and can use forms they own for most of the hard work. It is very little for them. They have health insurance which is Corporate owned. On and on.

The laws benefit the Corporations. They have made it very difficult for companies to exist without Corporate help.

Like the medical program my daughters company uses. It is super expensive for even a large Heart Company. Far less for a Corporation. Everything is set up to force companies to sell themselves to Corporations.

2019-07-16 18:38:14 UTC  

@The Unknown Scout Stay here and it is likely you will not stay Globe Earther. Most who even keep that role stop believing in the Globe.

Think of this:
Curve 0.666 feet times miles SQUARED.
Tilt 66.6 degrees opposite tilt to 23.4.
Speed 66,600 around the sun.

All those 666. How is it the earth decided to do everything to the 666 mark of the beast?

Also do the math. 0.666 feet per mile SQUARED is a lot of curve. I never see it. I looked at Norfolk Harbor from 40 miles away. Saw every ship and the water they sat on. Saw at least a hundred sail boats in the Chesapeake Bay I was able to see even more than 40 miles in that. I saw the banks across it. I saw trees on the grass not very high above the banks of the bay. In some places white sand. There was no curve. I was standing on a bridge 20' high. So no waves were blocking my view.

This is the Globe Earth lie. Get close to the water. Sold to fool you into having a wave, you can not really see, blocking your view. They lie that is the curve. They never teach you how the tallest waves come in slowly and the water raises slowly so you never really see the tallest waves. They can take 20 minutes to raise the water before going down again. Why water on the beach goes higher and lower over a long period of time.

2019-07-16 18:55:19 UTC  


2019-07-16 18:55:32 UTC  

earth is round

2019-07-16 18:55:59 UTC  

the fact that this exsists is amazing :/

2019-07-16 18:56:05 UTC  

im a go kms bc of this

2019-07-16 18:59:26 UTC  

!mute @Leminks insults

2019-07-16 18:59:27 UTC  

2019-07-16 19:12:27 UTC  

steve angell you say that the earth is flat right?

2019-07-16 19:12:47 UTC  

@Leminks#4426 Truth can be very difficult to accept. School teaches you to always, no matter what, accept what you are taught as truth. Yet they are indoctrinating you with lies a lot of the time.

2019-07-16 19:13:01 UTC  

would you mind debating me about it

2019-07-16 19:13:28 UTC  

As long as you remain civil. Have to leave in about 15 minutes though.

2019-07-16 19:13:38 UTC  


2019-07-16 19:14:21 UTC  

before i start just asking are you denying gravity or not

2019-07-16 19:15:35 UTC  

I deny what most Globe Earthers think is valid. Mass to mass attraction is a lie. But sure we fall to earth because of something. I just do not know what it is. No one has proven what it is that forces us to fall.

2019-07-16 19:16:02 UTC  

I have done this in a Vacuum chamber at school.

2019-07-16 19:18:23 UTC  

Fun watching feather fall so fast.

2019-07-16 19:20:47 UTC  

ok so i want to let you understand that gravity is a force that proved us probably most of the reality that we live in rn with it we have done calculations and speculations that were true its like an experiment after you do it like 1 mil time you would probably get to the same conclutions gravity has helped us predict so many things and i would really want from you an explanation why this force that we call gravity after so many times that we use it to make speculations that were true and you say its jsut wrong with no reason

2019-07-16 19:21:23 UTC  

sorry if the english is a bit bad its not my og languich

2019-07-16 19:21:37 UTC  

I do fine with the translation.

2019-07-16 19:24:02 UTC  

I simply have not seen a single valid experiment. This is not science as science is supposed to be. Science demands everything be taken into account that could change the results of the experiment. Yet they do not do that. It is more like a stage show or circus act they perform. They do not measure the electrical difference between the objects. Or even the magnetic force between them. That is not science when you neglect obvious things that do and can cause attraction.

2019-07-16 19:30:36 UTC  

ok but in most of the experiments that scientists those forces are neglectable and wouldn't change the experiments result to the other way around let take an example why when you take objects and measure their weights in different hights and the hight depends on the see level we see different weights which is totally working with the gravity equations

2019-07-16 19:33:19 UTC  

This is simply false. They maintain the force of attraction is very small. So they should be taken into consideration. So why do they not do it. Well it is a Circus Act. They understand they have to use magnetic force or electrical force to draw the two objects together because mass to mass is a lie. Yet they are paid a lot of money to lie about it so they lie about it. Rothschild banks must get the people to think they are meaningless. Tiny and so small and that there is not God. Selling the Globe Earth does that. We are nothing compared to the Universe lie.

2019-07-16 19:38:38 UTC  

well if you want there is a video that someone made about this experiment and you saw a difference in the weight which couldn't have been cause by any other force cause the other forces that might effect it would be neglectable because they are so little and many have probably done that experiment and got to the same result and another claim i have to ask is why when we see boats that go to the see and their button is starting to disappear as they go further and further until they disappear (this is a proof of the curve of the earth)

2019-07-16 21:58:23 UTC  

@IS_EARTH_FLAT? stop trolling

2019-07-16 21:58:34 UTC  

Iā€™m not trolling

2019-07-16 21:59:23 UTC  

Stop posting links

2019-07-16 21:59:29 UTC  


2019-07-16 22:35:26 UTC  

@talgoldfarb For me that would not change anything. C is another huge problem. This all depends on the speed of light being a constant C. Yet it is super easy to see it is a scam.

Two stars look below:

2019-07-16 22:40:36 UTC  

Earth is in the center. So the two suns shine light directly at each other and earth is in the middle. Each is 10 LY away from the earth. So in ten years the photon from the one star meets the photon from the other star. Say they barely miss earth and they meet perfectly. Say the photon was somehow friends with the other photon. Then in ten years the two could meet. Like if I wanted to meet a friend 200 miles away and we choose a center point 100 miles away. So each year they got 2 LY closer to each other. That is approaching at double the speed of light. It totally disproves the speed of light.

How do stupid Globe Earthers deflect? Stupid Scientist paid to lie. They try to shift the conversation. Well what if you were on a photon you would not see the other photon approach faster than C based on our formula for velocity.

That is called circular reasoning and totally invalid. Nothing Scientific about circular reasoning.

2019-07-16 22:41:14 UTC  

explain orbits noob

2019-07-16 22:42:37 UTC  

Illuminaries circle around in the sky. Some in special patterns and we call them planets falsely. They are not much different than the stars just larger objects. All are light sources including the moon which has a very special path.