Message from @Human Sheeple

Discord ID: 597152881803657247

2019-07-06 19:49:52 UTC  


2019-07-06 19:49:59 UTC  

and i've actually seen outright scammers on youtube fake videos and claim to show how reaction force doesn't work

2019-07-06 19:50:15 UTC  

I have evidence

2019-07-06 19:50:17 UTC  

Just letting you know now, no point in debating a flat earther lol

2019-07-06 19:50:25 UTC  

that's not really true

2019-07-06 19:50:30 UTC  

Veryyyy true

2019-07-06 19:50:35 UTC  

The Solar System formed from a dust cloud that was at least partially the remnant of one or more supernovas that created heavy elements by nucleosynthesis. Grains of matter accreted through electrostatic interaction. As they grew in mass, gravity took over in gathering yet more mass, releasing the potential energy of their collisions and in-falling as heat. The protoplanetary disk also had a greater proportion of radioactive elements than the Earth today because, over time, those elements decayed. Their decay heated the early Earth even further, and continue to contribute to Earth's internal heat budget. The early Earth was thus mostly liquid.

A sphere is the only stable shape for a non-rotating, gravitationally self-attracting liquid. The outward acceleration caused by the Earth's rotation is greater at the equator than at the poles (where is it zero), so the sphere gets deformed into an ellipsoid, which represents the shape having the lowest potential energy for a rotating, fluid body. This ellipsoid is slightly fatter around the equator than a perfect sphere would be. Earth's shape is also slightly lumpy because it is composed of different materials of different densities that exert slightly different amounts of gravitational force per volume.

The liquidity of a hot, newly formed planet allows heavier elements to sink down to the middle and forces lighter elements closer to the surface, a process known as planetary differentiation. This event is known as the iron catastrophe; the most abundant heavier elements were iron and nickel, which now form the Earth's core.

2019-07-06 19:50:44 UTC  

idk who you were talking about even but people are people,

2019-07-06 19:50:55 UTC  

flat earther or glober

2019-07-06 19:51:11 UTC  

like both sides have bad arguments

2019-07-06 19:51:28 UTC  

The Earth is round

2019-07-06 19:51:31 UTC  

@Mekki oki but believing in gravity

2019-07-06 19:51:53 UTC  

Usually when I debate them, it always ends in “show me gravity!” (Which they know is an unreasonable request considered I don’t have a big a** planet), or they just chant “propaganda!” or “fake news”

2019-07-06 19:52:02 UTC

2019-07-06 19:52:05 UTC

2019-07-06 19:52:07 UTC

2019-07-06 19:52:21 UTC  

@thing true it's "unreasonable" and we might know it... but it's still hella important

2019-07-06 19:52:21 UTC

2019-07-06 19:52:21 UTC

2019-07-06 19:52:35 UTC  

without proof of gravity, a proof that *relies on gravity* doesn't work

2019-07-06 19:52:53 UTC  

Just because you can’t see a force with your own two eyes doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

2019-07-06 19:53:11 UTC

2019-07-06 19:53:12 UTC

2019-07-06 19:53:38 UTC  

@thing also true but it doesn't mean it does either

2019-07-06 19:53:46 UTC  

Don’t give unreasonable requests like experimenting with supermassive objects to show gravity, that’s all I ask of you flat earthers. Just as I wouldn’t ask you to go to the edge of the “ice wall” and take a pic

2019-07-06 19:54:12 UTC  

fine, but then don't give proofs of curvature that rely on believing in gravity omnes

2019-07-06 19:54:12 UTC  


2019-07-06 19:54:21 UTC  

@thing When for hundreds of years you can not prove something it is insane to keep believing it is true.

2019-07-06 19:54:41 UTC  

I’ve told you countless times that it has been though mate

2019-07-06 19:54:50 UTC  

But you won’t believe me

2019-07-06 19:54:59 UTC  

And you won’t take 5 sec on google

2019-07-06 19:55:08 UTC  

i thought you were agreeing that it's "unreasonable" to be able to demonstrate it

2019-07-06 19:55:14 UTC  

Because you use the Cavendish which has been proven false numerous times.

2019-07-06 19:55:18 UTC  

we all already know how to google and hear what the authorities say

2019-07-06 19:55:42 UTC  

i got muted

2019-07-06 19:55:51 UTC  


2019-07-06 19:55:54 UTC  

You ignore the proof it is fake. Go on with it because there is nothing else you can use. Every attempt to prove mass to mass attraction failed.

2019-07-06 19:56:00 UTC  

Cavendish is a well known reputable experiment done by hundreds of college professor in basic level physics courses man

2019-07-06 19:56:01 UTC