Message from @LeeroyJK
Discord ID: 627672019722567701
If the earth was a globe, why would NASA have to use CGI on every picture? 🤔
They don’t use CGI on every picture
They use photoshop also
And bendy lenses
Ok, the earth is quite big, so you'd have to be far away to be able to see the earth wholly at once. The colour correction is needed because of the fact that the earth rotates (aka day/night). Most earth imaging satellites orbit at like 500km, which is not nearly high enough to see all of the earth so the pictures have to be "stitched" together. Aka Photoshop. I don't think the apollo crew had colour cameras with them so that colour had to be added later. This will, of course, result in small differences. The photo's themselves are still original though.
^ Apollo crew was far enough away to see it as a whole
@rivenator12113 funny that's what all flat earth images are made from eh?
Nice belief system. A cgi cartoon ball
Earth epic
Earth is very round
Earth gay
As I know I'll be muted if I were to answer @Citizen Z with a similar kind of sentence, I will not.
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **moist**#2307
Can I post yt vids? @Citizen Z
I just wanna where they can be posted without being muted
@LeeroyJK Do not mention groups for debate please.
At least I have chicken.
Earth is not flat. Earth is concave.
concave like a hollow sphere or like a bowl?
what if the earth is a cube, and we only live on one side of it, and behind the ice wall are more flat earth areas?
some say there may be other lands past the ice wall without it being a cube
Why would anyone think that?
I'm looking to debate people on the authenticity of NASA and maybe propose a new model for you. DM me if you are interested and we can do it in a private 1 on 1 call.
Oh no, not another person saying the earth is cgi
what about the photos from 1946?
Where they cgi?
Pathetic smh
the earth is a dinosaur
prove me wrong
a velociraptor
flat earthers complain globe earth pics are CGI, but every flat earth model is 100% CGI
(just watch me get muted for this)