Seeker of Truth
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if I recall correctly, someone said gravity was only a theory... never proven
and it was a thick book worth of ifs
if this and if that
but now some people call it a Law
when it is only a theory
an unproven one
mislabeled, catch-all for things that aren't explained or rather things that could be explained with other forces / behaviors
* everything can be explained with differences in density, buoyancy, electricity and magnetism :3
if everything has an electrical and/or magnetic property / reaction
I see a lot of Discord poop fail images : (
I should remedy some :3
strange... the preview doesn't work : (
well maybe what is below us is something more dense... things piled up
and water :3
after the caverns
yes it does ^^
there is no evidence that the moon ever goes on the other side of the supposed globe, out of people's sight XD
its always there
no matter where you live
it might be close to the horizon, but its always there
even if its hard to see
which mean The World is flat : )
means *
well can't see New Moon of course
(during the day time)
even when the government sites lie saying the moon is on the other side of the globe
like with that go fast rocket footage and the guy who looked into the details of the launch day and time / location
so is flat
sun and moon together :3
unless they have moved away from the observer
my art is not as good
the world has many shapes... but its flat for the most part
those trans investigations are interesting
it seems that many or most of the once thought to be leading ladies in films were actually male [originally]
size of head in relation to shoulder width is a good indication as well as the shape of the hip / stomach area
though, there are some females that are not as curvy as others
people come in different shapes and sizes
as for sexual relations with children or adolescents that practice goes back to ancient times, though usually kept secret and done by political or religious (pagan) leaders
now its more in the spotlight / mainstream
the elite / rich / powerful have been doing it for a very long time
all of those things must be done when signing a blood contract to make those millions / billions of dollars
yes for some time now
and yet more people are doing it
I think the trans thing comes from the belief in the concept that God (Adanai, etc.) is not only male or female not only light or dark but all of those things combined... so they try to emulate the dualistic nature.
well everyone can belief what they choose to
I don't know. I just continue my studies of all things.
the most important thing is going back to the earliest originating texts to see what the original words were and how they have since been mistranslated
origins are important
ball worship XD
one lie to rule them all
or is it just one lie of many lies?
Order out of Chaos, the credo of 33rd degree Freemasons, etc. refers to the powers that be carrying out certain chaotic plans (crisis and crisis hoaxes, war, etc.) to take away land / money / privileges / rights / freedoms and thus gaining control (or order) from their perspective. Hegelian dialectic.
fractals aren't chaos... they are intelligent design :3
remember numbers / symbols and languages are the magick used to confuse and control people :3
it is important to look at things from different views points and consider how pieces of the puzzle can possibly fit together :3
look what I made ^^
too much talking in the <#484515645258596369> :3
>Citizen Z12/09/2018
>All mainstream and globe earth rooms have been removed. This is no longer a server for globies to come and debate their >pseudoscience and heliocentric religion. RIP
Good to hear. : )
Dawn from 24/7 shared this with me:
good MK-Ultra program documentary
and Peter Gintz shared this one:
so they won't be removed?
I am not picking a fight. I thought what Citizen-Z was true... but I see globies are still here...
I don't think that is going to happen. I will wait for Citizen-Z to comment.
This is not a debate channel.
in case he does get rid of you: take care of yourself ^^
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