Message from @Yussuki ₪
Discord ID: 757639433859235901
^^^ How abut if you dose that with Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin, as suggested by UK doctors Adam Kay & Suman Biswah?
Lets talk
Centere of idological disease
Sure, but some other time. I'm on a less stable and limited cap AP until Iget my utiliities fixed from a drunk tearing stuff up Friday. '
> @everyone beautiful animation and information on the synapse
@ThePangburn the brain is fucking amazing.
@everyone I like this Kaku clip.
@everyone I added a new text channel <#757466387789906060> . This channel is pretty straight forward. An AMA that is always available. You can ask me anything you wish and I will answer the best I can, when I can.
The Deep Distorted and Thereby Artistic Wisdom of David Lynch.
To be straight... David Lynch is One Big Walking Talking Middle Finger...
@everyone what topics do you want to discuss this week?
Morality, Abortion, means to knowledge, feminism, BLM... just a good mix I can think of off the top of my head
I like what stone cold suggested^
"Should off-spring tunning via genetic manipulation be allowed?" - topic
"Is Science a threat for humanity or not?" - topic
"Should we allow human cloning?" - topic
"Good and Evil within the Animal Reign" - topic
"Should the minimum voting age be lowered to 16?" - topic
@everyone every little bit helps. I appreciate any level of support.
@everyone we are live! Morality: where does yours come from?... OPEN MIC . Please have the YouTube feed open on mute. It really helps the channel!
@everyone I deeply appreciate all of you. Excellent battlefield today. Tomorrow, The Black Lives Matter organization is the topic. Heal those wounds, dust off the pants.
It gets tough. I want to do a good job but I don't want to become jaded in discussions.
> It gets tough. I want to do a good job but I don't want to become jaded in discussions.
@m.miller just think : intellectual warm blanket. ✌
> @m.miller just think : intellectual warm blanket. ✌
@ThePangburn be a lot cooler if it was an actual blanket with an actual person lol. I'm lonely.
Get out there a find a person!
Lmao who wants the asexual who can't stand up fast
You'd be surprised. Give it a shot girl !
Maybe when I go back to college I'll meet someone. Only places I go these days are the grocery store and the doctor.
ahh finally...a discord where I don’t have to obscure my intellectual side