Message from @StoneCold316
Discord ID: 757634231009542184
@everyone this segment is great to brush up on what we know about the human brain.
Want to borrow my AT897 shotgun mic, w/ a nice wind muff over the base windscreen, and on a shock mount and pole? Then add a musician's condenser mic boom headset so you're not holding your own mic, and have hands free for other needs?
You did well in that new video engaging some guys on pretty heavy meds.... But who weren't entirely honest about their comorbidities, when an anti-psychotic known for nasty side effects was part of the cocktail. Does AlbertaHealth push cheap formularies, over less nasty to users on such meds?
@everyone beautiful animation and information on the synapse
^^^ How abut if you dose that with Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin, as suggested by UK doctors Adam Kay & Suman Biswah?
Lets talk
Centere of idological disease
Sure, but some other time. I'm on a less stable and limited cap AP until Iget my utiliities fixed from a drunk tearing stuff up Friday. '
> @everyone beautiful animation and information on the synapse
@ThePangburn the brain is fucking amazing.
@everyone I like this Kaku clip.
@everyone I added a new text channel <#757466387789906060> . This channel is pretty straight forward. An AMA that is always available. You can ask me anything you wish and I will answer the best I can, when I can.
The Deep Distorted and Thereby Artistic Wisdom of David Lynch.
To be straight... David Lynch is One Big Walking Talking Middle Finger...
@everyone what topics do you want to discuss this week?
Morality, Abortion, means to knowledge, feminism, BLM... just a good mix I can think of off the top of my head
I like what stone cold suggested^
"Should off-spring tunning via genetic manipulation be allowed?" - topic
"Is Science a threat for humanity or not?" - topic
"Artificial Intelilgence. For or Against" - topic
"Should we allow human cloning?" - topic
"Good and Evil within the Animal Reign" - topic
"Should the minimum voting age be lowered to 16?" - topic
@everyone every little bit helps. I appreciate any level of support.
@everyone we are live! Morality: where does yours come from?... OPEN MIC . Please have the YouTube feed open on mute. It really helps the channel!
@everyone I deeply appreciate all of you. Excellent battlefield today. Tomorrow, The Black Lives Matter organization is the topic. Heal those wounds, dust off the pants.
It gets tough. I want to do a good job but I don't want to become jaded in discussions.
> It gets tough. I want to do a good job but I don't want to become jaded in discussions.
@m.miller just think : intellectual warm blanket. ✌
> @m.miller just think : intellectual warm blanket. ✌
@ThePangburn be a lot cooler if it was an actual blanket with an actual person lol. I'm lonely.
Get out there a find a person!
Lmao who wants the asexual who can't stand up fast