Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 513088707163717643

2018-11-16 20:00:54 UTC  

If we have traitors in the military they need to face justice.

2018-11-16 20:03:39 UTC  

Stop all enemies foreign and domestic.

2018-11-16 20:08:44 UTC  

Great points @Arkansasmaga

2018-11-16 20:09:11 UTC  

Anyway, DEW would start the fire but you wouldn't be able to control it after that.

2018-11-16 20:13:54 UTC  

If it is dew it comes from some place. It should be destroyed. If it is a judgement then so be it. Maybe people should leave California before something worse happens.

2018-11-16 20:15:07 UTC  

Very possible on the judgement angle. Time is getting very short.

2018-11-16 20:15:59 UTC  

Yep. The time to repent and be saved is now.

2018-11-16 20:16:52 UTC  

Do not be left behind to endure great judgement

2018-11-16 20:27:50 UTC  


2018-11-16 20:35:07 UTC  

Rep. Eric swollowswell just slrt of threatened us nukes. Should he be in office?!

2018-11-16 20:37:02 UTC  

People advocating for war either haven't been or won't be going.

2018-11-16 20:38:10 UTC  

We need our military here at home

2018-11-16 20:39:45 UTC  

I do not want war anywhere. I do want our military protecting we the people from our enemies.

2018-11-16 20:41:11 UTC

2018-11-16 20:43:29 UTC

2018-11-16 21:06:32 UTC  

This was from the Chan. Anon asking what is it with the purple tie. After the LV shooting Potus wore a purple tie. Ole who is a European, that talked frequently about False Flags in Europe and how the elites always give people clues, pointed out all sorts of creepy occult Freemason stuff about The Vegas shooting. He pointed out all the purple the Clinton “resistance” were wearing and then he pointed out Potus and his purple tie. This was before Q and I just got furious, as there were all kinds of shills that said Potus were on the side of the Clintons, and this all was a game on us. I wrote Potus and told him purple was an unbecoming color and he should wear red. Red is a much better color for him. After I sent that letter he rarely wore purple, but mostly wore red. He listens. I do not know why he is wearing purple now, but I think he wore purple after the Vegas shooting to tell the Cabal he was resisting them. Now? Maybe, Ready for payback for Vegas?

2018-11-16 21:07:44 UTC  

Wrong picture...purple tie. Ready for payback for Vegas?

2018-11-16 21:16:33 UTC

2018-11-16 21:23:25 UTC  

How would that judge react if Acosta acted belligerent in his courtroom, won't stop talking, or challenged him with lectures? 🤔

2018-11-16 21:27:06 UTC  

@dream catcher Interesting analysis. Remember, Vegas started the war and SA +++ was corrected shortly after. Doubt it's a vengeance thing. May have significance but a different angle perhaps.