Message from @Truth N’ Crimson

Discord ID: 597137005658243072

2019-07-06 03:47:01 UTC  

Reports of child neglect piled up. BSO declared the kids safe. Now the boys are dead

2019-07-06 13:47:40 UTC  

RedPill Ken starts in this video around 27:18 then @Pamphlet Anon shows up around 34:38! (which is the time I am sharing this video from). If you look exactly right next to the flag, to the left , you will see Pam holding his camera. Keep watching. Ruptly seems to be everywhere! lol Great job guys! Red Pill Ken ROCKS!!!

2019-07-06 16:02:36 UTC
This WaPo video has some interesting psy-op value; I believe the intention is from White Hats, to subliminally prepare the still groggy amongst us, as follows:
1) At approx. 00:53:05-06, two black helicopters going from dark cloud backdrop (screen right) to light cloud backdrop (screen left) Note: original video viewed was 01:25:33, not the above 01:25:34;
2) 00:58:48, sirens in background approx. 5 min's later;
3) 01:00:09 People atop White House, "bright fortress of Hope", and "Face in the Lights", camera operator insuring the face is in the camera, lower screen right;
4) 11:14:00 Washington Monument (WA) begins to be obscured (predictive subliminal programming) secret societies go back underground;
5) Q: Are the White Hats psychologically prepping the public for re-birth of a Nation, resetting to a time prior to establishment of secret society entrenchment?
6) 01:17:49 fireworks take on the sounds of multitudinous low drum rolls, then car horn.
7) At 01:10:00 it is obvious we are watching a sophisticated video camera, possibly government equipment, again, with a seemingly unique and a potentially, tactically threatening view of the White House.
8) 01:40:22 Another building screen left of the White House, looks like yet another observatory, as does a building screen right, earlier in the video;
9) Is this video a government production psy-op to subconsciously red-pill or otherwise prepare the groggy masses to accept what must occur, sometime in the near future?
Washington Post video (comments, observations we're taken from a WaPo 01:25:33, verses above 01:25:34 video) Fourth of Juy 2019 fireworks celebration in Washington D.C..........theSteward...

2019-07-06 18:02:31 UTC  

TO dynamex

2019-07-07 04:42:17 UTC I ran across this by accident when I picked up a National Geographic while I was waiting. Check out the map in particular. In my state of Minnesota, Trump only lost my 44,000 votes to Hillary. If not for Minneapolis & St Paul, Minnesota for the most part would be a red state. Keith Ellingson who Ilhan Omar replaced is now our Attorney General. He has been instrumental in moving the Somali immigrants around to help turn MN districts blue. This is happening all over the country.

2019-07-07 12:56:07 UTC  

This was spoken about on PSB amongst everybody. For anybody interested.....