Sewer Pickle

Discord ID: 596914253399719936

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Page 1/1 I ran across this by accident when I picked up a National Geographic while I was waiting. Check out the map in particular. In my state of Minnesota, Trump only lost my 44,000 votes to Hillary. If not for Minneapolis & St Paul, Minnesota for the most part would be a red state. Keith Ellingson who Ilhan Omar replaced is now our Attorney General. He has been instrumental in moving the Somali immigrants around to help turn MN districts blue. This is happening all over the country. Must watch. Chelsea Clinton confirms Michelle Obama is really Mike Obama.

A friend gave me the heads up on this video which shows the racial BS they are pushing in the Eastern Carver School district in MN


2020-01-11 04:05:26 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #casual-chat]  

I'm glad Judicial Watch is going after states to clean up their voter rolls. My state of Minnesota is terrible. Here is a photo of dead people leaving the polls in my precinct.

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