
Discord ID: 273523895863214080

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"Enabling of domestic spying, contemptuous disregard of court-ordered minimization procedures (procedures the Obama administration itself proposed, then violated), and unlawful disclosure of classified intelligence to feed a media campaign against political adversaries. Quite the Obama legacy."

Q said watch for suicides. See video report on Kate Spade who was connected to the CF and Haiti!

The fires around Santa Rosa in CA were terrible. Here's an example from recent trip.

See the horrid lies the left is spewing about Trump separating kids from parents at the border:

More secrets revealed about deep state actors.

Article from 2015 on NXIVM by former member.

Woo hoo!

Hey mods on 24/7. Looked here Themplane had a communications problem!

It's probably due to Boeings Uninterruptible Pilot. Ask Field McConnell about it.

Deadcat getting overly excited about this plane thing.

Tony Schwartz hates Trump even though he co-wrote the Art of the Deal.

What plane were the USSS looking at that said United on it? Why was this related to the Jet Blue incident?

@GrandTorino Too beautiful for words.

Could anyone suggest movies on YT to watch re our interests here?

Hearing there may be Hope in the WH again. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Imran Awan has his mitts into everything.

2018-07-03 02:53:51 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Why doesn't the discord text update regularly on Patriots soapbox YT screen?

2018-07-03 02:55:12 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Why is the Chat streaming on YT 1 hour behind the chat streaming on the left of Patriot Soaobox screen.

2018-07-03 02:55:41 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Why does my text inYT chat look light gray?

Count the Middle Eastern Dems running for office and more on the way.

HRC doesnt miss a beat. John Key, PM of New Zealand.

This should be shared while re-pilling.

Remember Kevin Ives?

Waaaa hoo!

Well, pay attention! Lol.

Great piece on Trump's Heksinki visit. Did he left melt down yet?

"Obama said at the time that attempts to "tap into people's personal records" were "a problem not just for me, but for how our government functions."

Laughable, considering how intrusive his administration has been and continues to be in accessing private information. "

You have to read this whistleblower guy. Reveals Janet Napolitano's criminal group, the Arizona Mafia.

Get your 4am talking points here folks!


Be in the lookout!
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Up to $25 Million Reward

Use Venezuela as proof of outcome of Socialism.

My Congressman is at risk of losing to the Dems in the 14th CD in IL. He is hosting a lunch with Speaker Ryan. I would go but it's $1,000 per person! Who is this lunch really for? Don't get me wrong, I have volunteered many hrs for him but the left is running a young black female against him and JB Pritzker is funding everybody. He is running against our Republican Gov. Rauner and dumping money everywhere. Not looking good.

Missing Reed Walker and also TJ.

Bombshell Q!!

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