Message from @Zayan Watchel

Discord ID: 494337964349063168

2018-09-25 03:41:05 UTC  

I suppose some segments had an almost misguided paternalistic attitude on certain issues, but many did not, and simply favored neglect.

2018-09-25 07:11:21 UTC  

Laws of economics dictate that the lot of all can never be equal and prosperous. They cant be both.

2018-09-25 07:15:22 UTC  

And besides, if you fatten the masses with luxuries (not possible, but if) then whats there to strive for anyway? Whats the goal of such a society? To help mankind feed their appetites? The nature of mankind is that of an ever expanding appetite. No man finds fulfillment without God.

2018-09-25 13:53:34 UTC  

Shitty take

2018-09-25 13:53:52 UTC  

Kill yourself pareto misconstruer

2018-09-25 14:14:45 UTC  
2018-09-25 16:54:14 UTC  

@PebbЛe @Deleted User great rebuttal, my dudes

2018-09-25 19:57:24 UTC  

I don't believe in God, but I don't see a point in arguing whether or not he exists. Religion often functions as a social glue. I think the government should be secular, but religion should certainly be there.

2018-09-25 20:30:31 UTC  

Thats a fair position, but i disagree that the government should be secular. I dont think the church should run the government, but religious doctrine should be integrated at every level. Without religious vow taking and symbolism, individuals reigns supreme and exacerbates the principle-agent problem in government.

2018-09-25 20:33:14 UTC  

The best alignment of interests with regards to the principle agent problem is, of course, monarchy, wherein the problem in theory disappears altogether.

2018-09-25 21:08:33 UTC  

It is not the states job to mandate worship. However, it should reflect the religion of the nation. The United States in its origin was Christian at every level while not mandating religious beliefs to any citizen.

2018-09-25 21:10:19 UTC  

no, but you said in government

2018-09-25 21:10:50 UTC  

i think that a prereq for government work would have to be religious membership. Possibly exclusive to one denom, possibly not. Depends how much people try to create religions to skirt this requirement

2018-09-25 21:11:11 UTC  

and its not a requirement to worship, more membership and adherence to codes and so on.

2018-09-25 21:15:24 UTC  

Many states passed laws that required one be Christian to hold office. Would you bring that back?

2018-09-25 21:16:47 UTC  

I would, yeah

2018-09-25 21:18:02 UTC  

the key to the principle-agent problem is that if you cannot align interests, which is often impossible in cases of asymmetrical ownership, then you must align values

2018-09-25 21:18:09 UTC  

otherwise you get perverse outcomes

2018-09-26 00:15:44 UTC  

I don't care if it's a Christian or a bloody Hindu in office, if the people voted them in, and they don't royally fuck up or overstep their (should-be-limited) power, then we can let them do their thing.

2018-09-26 00:40:31 UTC  

@Zayan Watchel in <#452955238186614794> you said that a nation must have a culture, and that a people without a culture are bound to fail. Wouldn't having someone rule over you with a different culture be detrimental to the nation? There is no way that a Hindu has the same culture as a Christian. So why shouldn't a nation require it's leaders to hold to the same culture?

2018-09-26 02:42:35 UTC  

A Hindu can be of similar culture to a Christian, if you think of culture on a scale larger then surface items like religion, food, etc. it(religion) becomes such an insignificant tidbit that it really shouldn't affect shit.

2018-09-26 02:43:56 UTC  

Also, culture should be organized by the people, the state shouldn't be involved.

2018-09-26 02:45:43 UTC  

And I'm an Athiest who holds the same culture as any other Canadian, so I shouldn't be kept out of office.

2018-09-26 02:59:06 UTC  

culture is scalar

2018-09-26 03:09:15 UTC  

@Zayan Watchel that is such bs. Religion has a huge effect on ones culture. Look at the culture of every Christian nation vs every Muslim one. Even the worst Christian nation is better than the best Muslim nation for the average individual.

2018-09-26 03:10:14 UTC  

Sure, but you just cited culture on a macro scale, a country, when we're discussing the culture of individuals running for office.

2018-09-26 03:10:33 UTC  

All you have to do is look at minority communities to see that their different religious values always separate them from the wider society

2018-09-26 03:10:38 UTC  

As an individual who could run for office, I don't want to be kept out of office.

2018-09-26 03:11:13 UTC  

Sure, but you can put religion aside and be a Canadian, for example, first. It's not impossible, just unlikely, it would be unjust to simply assert that only christians should be permitted to run for office.

2018-09-26 03:11:32 UTC  

You're still citing collectives, not individuals.

2018-09-26 03:11:36 UTC  

Your individual interest doesn't matter with regards to the state. The state isn't there to specifically serve you

2018-09-26 03:12:02 UTC  

It is, actually, if it didn't serve the people what good would it be?

2018-09-26 03:12:28 UTC  

Canada is a joke. you have killed your own culture and nation

2018-09-26 03:12:46 UTC  

Agreed. It's a shithole thanks to our piece of shit manlady.

2018-09-26 03:13:21 UTC  

Still haven't addressed my point. I'm an atheist who is culturally the same as any other person in this country, Christian or no, why should I be kept out of office?

2018-09-26 03:24:57 UTC  

I did address it. The state isn't there to serve you. Its purpose is to serve the nation. That includes all individuals, but primarily it is the nation as a whole it serves. Every politician has the responsibility to serve. If they can't do that properly they should not be allowed to hold the office. A hindu does not have the interests of the Christian nation in mind and thus cannot properly be a public servant.
The fact you think you can be atheist and still hold the same culture as Christians shows your ignorance of what a culture is. I can guarantee there is an entire Christian culture you are not privy to as an atheist, unless you live like a Christian despite your beliefs.
Your attempts at trying to bring it back to Canada are vacuous since Canada is so far gone from what a good society should operate like. Canada needs an entire reordering of its society. Part of that includes imposing the cultural heritage onto minorities. If they don't like it they can leave.

2018-09-26 03:26:41 UTC  

Well, Canada is my country of residence so that's what I used. Replace "Canada" with "America" and you're set. What's your definition of "Nation."

2018-09-26 03:26:53 UTC  

and why should government serve a "Christian Nation?"

2018-09-26 03:29:22 UTC  

In every way except religion, I have the same culture as a Christian. Does that make you feel better?

2018-09-26 03:29:33 UTC  

The nation is a group of people who hold a common heritage, tradition, religion, and/or ethnicity.

2018-09-26 03:29:53 UTC  

your assertion that you do means nothing