Discord ID: 293133968545546240
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i pack all my economic books
and command you all under my wing
slowly we will have a grand infrastructure
and gdp that rivals that of the US
thatll be cold as fuck
orthodox christianity
shoot them
its your property
since its our property we choose who goes on it
problem solved
you cant prove its racial discrimination
it just happened to be a black person not allowed xd
i am definitely afraid of the jewish nomenklatura gavel wielding beasts
you can keep (((them))) out pretty easy
dont privatize anything relevant to the upkeep of your community
i heard we have white women in this discord
l-let me c-court you
the earth is flat
orbiting doesnt exist
fire bombs for fire moms
apollo rover was still packaged while rover tracks were on moon
? ?
hey girl
want to exhibit the 14 words together
on that thought
ram3n how dare you steal my woman
i will kill your first born
it was obviously a dude
girls are stealthy
@Lorenzo thats how progressivism gets pushed
slippery slope is a real thing though
burn gays alive
you cant be traditionalist then allow little bits of this and that in
then continue to make exceptions
they've contributed to the pedophile rate
thats for sure
greek pederasts are not worth time
its addiction to hedonism
gays have very low fidelity rates
so therefore
greek thinkers are plebs
its a meme that homos use to distance themself from persecution
"were not like that"
anything hedonistic is against traditionalism
Fascism or no ism
Natsoc can be fascist
Natsoc is self determination
It can be anything
Duty to race and sovereignty is essentially the definition of national socialism
You don't need to call yourself a nazi
Or have a swastika
Not this meme again
Ancaps need to unironically die
Practicing its doctrine is fine but connecting it to Nazi germany
Will fuck u up
In essence this is definable a national socialist movement but completely disconnected from Germany
The whole idea of this is the same as national socialism is
Have you read the 25 points?
nationalize all industry
autarky is the best
i just need me a nice cuban cigar
la gloria cubana
>non homogenous societies
why should one community of people be responsible for the prospering of individuals of a different community
people arent chimerical
i welcome the negroes as sovereign national neighbors with open arms
but they are not of me
and do not belong with me
if they drop the gibs act and run a meritocratic system then they can be fine otherwise
africa just got closer . ..
watching movies
instead of praying to THE MOST HIGH
its simple
hey thats a double edged sword noodle
i dont want my society looking like alistair overeem
it probably wasnt "that bad" in 1967 either was it
malcolm x not mlk
1967 is clearly "insignificant"
things havent progressed since that measly event
now i dont believe in slavery
you neet
slavery isnt justified
it harms both sides
i advocate that genocide though
so 🔫
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