Message from @Mephisto
Discord ID: 476050963409403915
Gamers rise up
morning king
I had ti buy breakfast
And walk
In the heat
Uphill and downhill
There's no ingredients in my house
good morning retards
Morning nigger
How does it feel to know joe mccarthy and roy cohn where right about everything
@ManletEater667 your name is a microagression against my people
okay somebody call the epic police
You mean like on fridays?
man the braap was insane last night
Joe accept my friend request
I'm a spiritual boomer
cant right now at the gun range
Don't be a nig
lol what the fuck
70 people shot in Chicago this weekend
YouTube will face consequences for this
Im surprised its taken them this long to do that. Media consolidation since the election has been pretty overt
They banned Alex jones before iirc
Facebook didn’t really matter but this is a huge problem