Message from @Koninos
Discord ID: 523939833249529858
Which is still a minor party, it only gained a couple thousand votes
Golden Dawn is literally shit.
I'm going to Bulgaria next year for the Lukov march
Votes dont matter
NRM is not a political party, they only act in politics so the system doesnt get mad
u guys should add this bot
its a good poll system and simple
Probably not
@Deleted User Whats that in the picture
the Brussels protest from earlier today, pretty much a complete media blackout other than an RT stream
RT is Based and redpilled
I love Russia
RT is the better version of the minastream still kinda shitty
but not nearly as bad
did they burn a building?
TFW enemy states propaganda about your countrys and worlds sitsuation is more truthfull than your own medias
*Yes North Korea, I'm looking at you.*
Murdoch-chan is supreme waifu
Ye there was a media blackout when the standing rock rez/dapl stuff was going on too never trust the media and lack of media
Oh man
It’s my favourite native
What’s poppin?
What’s good nm just taking s dump wbu bro
Isn't it funny that there's been an assassination attempt on every president who's opposed the Fed
Just chillin here, homie
Delete this
I feel sick
or is that finnish
”What is Russia famous for?”
being Swedish
Sweden is famous for being Arab/African