Message from @Spookaswa
Discord ID: 523827078181814282
no u
Shit cunts
What about them do you not approve of?
They're right wing
And don't do shit except wave signs and tell people that brownie bad
Papa Marx would not approve this.
I don't like parties
On social policies, yeah, but there are some that have centrist economic policies
Such as the Sweden Democrats
It has Democrats in the name
Fascist movements don't really gain much traction outside of piss poor European countries
Unless a recession hits soon parties like the Golden Dawn are going to continue to stagnate
Golden Dawn gay
Don't get me started on them
Sweden has NRM
NRM is based
I talk to a fuckton of those guys
Golden Dawn is literally shit.
I'm going to Bulgaria next year for the Lukov march
Votes dont matter
NRM is not a political party, they only act in politics so the system doesnt get mad
u guys should add this bot
its a good poll system and simple
Probably not
@Deleted User Whats that in the picture
the Brussels protest from earlier today, pretty much a complete media blackout other than an RT stream
RT is Based and redpilled
I love Russia
RT is the better version of the minastream still kinda shitty
but not nearly as bad
did they burn a building?
TFW enemy states propaganda about your countrys and worlds sitsuation is more truthfull than your own medias
Not always.