Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 442032681593602048
No it was because of Regan providing amnesty to the Mexicans
Then why do the Republicans retake areas when nonwhite turnout declines?
I'm not saying that it's going to vote red as a whole but white people could've at least stopped Kamala Harris and they can still swing House races.
Hi not saying that it's going to vote red as a whole but white people could've at least stopped Kamala Harris and they can still swing House races., I'm Dad!
@Nuke There were two Democrats running in 2016 for Senate
primary jungle
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 That is exactly why I said "stopped Kamala Harris" and not "elected a Republican"
You had "prosecuted Project Veritas for exposing Planned Parenthood" versus "Orange County Blue Dog" and you could've elected the Blue Dog.
This likely would've also helped Trump's nationwide margin.
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Can you make that and include 2016
Since that was the time OC fell also...
Hurts, doesn't it?
@zakattack04 @FLanon 4D Chess, right?
As for OC from what I have been told, all of the people from the Bay Area are flooding OC. So we can assume it is a lost cause.
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 I don't like that lady
She wasn't Trump's pick
@zakattack04 Well, Trump oughta fire her
it's his branch
ThIs Is AlL TrUmPs FaUlT
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Here's a more respectable source
El Salvador has 195K on TPS
Ended March 9th
I'll wait before celebrating
They haven't been rounded up yet
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Kelly likes her
ButtomMash: " I won't support Drumpf until he rounds up all the nonwhites and sends them to the Gas Chambers!!!"
Um, no
until he rounds them all up and kicks them out of our country*
Does wanting these poor, innocent folk to be reunited with their families in their home countries really make me the equivalent of Hitler?
I was joking, of course not
So I was, in part
come on, now