Message from @PandaMedic (友好的熊猫)
Discord ID: 704760283067056228
stuff my hole and I’ll stuff yours
Also, do I get that patch if I pass training for packing?
Its only fair
Honestly though michael reeves his hilarious
but what patch do they give you if you fail? O_O
this one
I can’t look at it
My eyes
It means they failed, I do not condone tampons replacing wound packing
I’m aware
Anyone heard of Saint Fishers Church of Evidence Based Medicine on FB?
maybe a patch that shows a flatline on it
If you fail wound packing, i think the dumpster fire patch is more suiting
And yes i follow the fishers page
Fuck yeah
Damn right
I got my ass chewed for using ket as a pre induction agent over etomidate.
Zoom. Can we get channels with just the info links, I h8 scrolling
Asking if I can do it. Have done it in another server and it’s nice.
@EFFIN PSYKO there you to
At the bottom
Gonna try to get all my info
Would have a TON more but I don’t have my laptop.
Thanks. Also verified guys role for access to privileged info
As far as I know, there is no verification, sadly
The issue with verification is there's no real way to without forcing people to give up what privacy they have.
And I wouldn't want to he responsible for peoples personal info. The other thing is it's almost impossible to truly do so over the internet.
Thats why meeting ip in person is important but without actually trusting them its still hard
Any medical field manual pdfs? Cant get any thru the web on my phone rn but my phones can download pdf documents and view them
Im sure @[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ has 3,000 stashed somewhere
I assumed that would be the one to have the sacred library 🤣
Wait who what