Message from @baconreclaimer
Discord ID: 707692988662546473
But for 500$ you cant expect great qc
Especially considering one could be made right before they deburred a bit, and one right after.
Yeah, had to be a lemon. lol That yankee hill barrel actually worth a damn? The price was kinda throwing me for a loop with what it came with. I'm currently looking at an aero 16" barrel.
aero's barrels, I think made by a sister company ballistic advantage, are okay. They'll get around 1.5-2 moa if I remember right, which compared to any other rifle from the era of the m16 is actually fantastic.
Any clue how much the 20in one is, i have a 16 on my mossberg?
Would I be wasting my money to put a BCM lower parts kit in an ar-15?
lower parts kits are all basically the same outside of triggers. Which can vary greatly. I'm just using a basic ass anderson parts kit and swapping the grip because it feels like holding a cactus. I don't intend on doing any crazy long range shooting to where that slight accuracy is going to make a difference. Especially if it's in a SHTF situation.
> Would I be wasting my money to put a BCM lower parts kit in an ar-15?
Do itttt
> lower parts kits are all basically the same outside of triggers. Which can vary greatly. I'm just using a basic ass anderson parts kit and swapping the grip because it feels like holding a cactus. I don't intend on doing any crazy long range shooting to where that slight accuracy is going to make a difference. Especially if it's in a SHTF situation.
There are inherent differences between the quality control and trigger weight of lower parts. Most do contain the same springs and are supposed to be made to the same spec, but that does not mean that al are help to the same scrutiny.
Oh you said BCM not BCA... lmao
personally got the geissele ultra lower parts kit for the flex, though the maritime bolt catch is awesome, won't be going back to milspec
while I'd say it's hard to fuck up stuff like detents and springs, some companies manage to. I've read dozens of reviews on lower parts kits on brownells and whatnot where people got rusted out detent springs and other useless junk in their kits
I can see that. I figure, on your first one at bare minimum, you're going to lose a spring anyways. Might as well be a cheap one. As long as it isn't rusted out.. Idk how that even happens in that situation.
I’d like my parts before 2022 thnx
I didn't order it directly from them
I’m memeing
Dudes are still waiting on ordered from Black Friday
I got a trial from bdu, ordered my shit, and immediately canceled
yeah they're slow af lol
Sionics, G$ or colt hand select are what I use for LPK’s. BCM is a good choice too
I didn't realize BCM still had stock. Putting together a parts list on there right now.
@Soulraiser some.
Delete this
Not bad so far
Needs a second coat but I like
@INNATRUCK lol nostalgia
Hmm actually looks like a prebuilt BCM upper is out of my price range
I'm saving up for one when I come back to the states
Idk if this is a doable since I've never read the punisher but it might be cool to spray something that only real fans would know in order to set yourself apart from every other loser who uses the symbol without actually knowing anything about it
He's using the 80's style comic Punisher logo
Oh god oh fuck **STOP**
This is the wrong subsection for this, and also, no. 😂
Maximum cringe engaged