Message from @BugsyBaldwin
Discord ID: 709272416169361489
whats our patch going to be?
Doesn’t have to be our main patch but I think it would be cool to make some patches or flags with what was shared earlier
Maybe minus the confederate flag cap and less “thuggish” attributes. Just something to show unity in race
I like the original one
Too divisive imo there are a lot of strong opinions on there
It's already less relatable for me because I don't give a damn about the constitution. Lol.
George Washington would probably challenge you to a duel for that shit :p
I think we should stop with the word b**g
If we rebrand ourselves the new term will eventually get propaganda put out against it too. Idk.
thats why i think liberty or liberty movement would be good. its harder to twist liberty into something bad
The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.
Not a bad idea now that I’ve put my smooth brain to thinking about it
Now you guys are getting it...I have been saying it for years...can't put a label or symbol on it. It will get vilified and discredited...make it an ideal. Ideals lead to legacy... and that is really what we are after. That is why 250 years later, we are willing to once again water the tree...
Anyone in any music scenes like raves, punk shows, slot of alternative cultures are pro liberty
A surprising amount of car guys are pro-liberty/anti-cop
Speeding tickets will do that I guess
I graduated opata when I was 19 and I didn't continue to being a cop because they are there to enforce a law and not what's right
In Canada it's called the Patriot movement
And as silly as it sounds people need banners and symbols to rally around
Not sure I could get behind being called a patriot. I don't much care about countries, just freedom.
In Canada the political street fighting is mainly between the Patriot Movement which basically non marxist/syndicalist anarchists, AnCaps, Libertarians, classical liberals and conservatives versus the revolutionary communist party, antifa, public sector unions, steel workers union, IWW union, Liberals, NDP and Greens, anarcho syndicalists and what I call marxist anarchists. Been raging about 5 years or more now I have probably been in over a dozen street brawls at rallies between a couple hundred. We once had a running fight between us and antifa that went like 6 blocks and into the Eaton's Centre Mall we were probably outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1 and still beat their asses good
In some ways Canada seems so different than the States and in some ways we are very similar
I dont keep up with shit but someone tagged me about helping a flag?
@Recon_5.11 now have? Damn these guys are slow on the uptake arent they
So I can't help but feel that this article was written by an actual journalist and then completely re-written by either a government agency or some seriously biased group of, for lack of a better word, bootlickers. Every fact is bookended by just obvious lies or attempts at justifications. Its nothing if not another sad demonstration that every MSM work is little more than an attempt at dispelling the publics potential interest in exposing government's wrongdoing.
And more proof that we need to get VERY serious about PR
I'm going to take this on a route many of you may not like. The 2A support is good and moral but ultimately I believe the wrong hill to die on. The overall goal of this group has been concern about government over reach with no measurable reasonable. UN Article 12 states "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." In accordance to issues such as the Patriot Act and other acts to track citizens standing against the government makes this movement a human rights movement. In the Preamble of the Declaration of Human rights "Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law". Would declaring the UN should intervene as a result of human rights violations be over the top?
The UN has no power without America. The UN would also be seen as a foreign army and unanimously opposed..
The broader problem is thinking authority gives rights
I do not believe in my own ideology that the declaration of the UN would be over the top. However, that is my own ideology, and many many would highly oppose it.
America is social dead, politically rotten, and altogether a dead memory held alive by us. Asking for help is something we cannot do and reveal to the world what little holds us together. Our oppressors loosely protect us from other oppressors like a mafia, we do not rule ourselves. That is why total collapse would be a red dawn disaster.
This gives the movement legitimacy. I agree about the UN being useless and the government rotten but by declaring that we are holding the government accountable for human rights activation we show that war is not what we want. The government is illegally conducting laws and should be held accountable for their actions. Media and government spin against whistle blower agencies is huge and that can be used to deflect some of the fools that will try and paint the movement otherwise
Trying to tell a wolf he isn't a good shepherd, and that we'll tell the other wolves on him.
@Catman so after several drafts of response to your question, I can best respond this way(please forgive the "crudeness") in America, we cant run to another nation or the UN to resolve our problems. We got ourselves into this shit pile, and getting out of it is only truly possible if we grab our shovels and dig ourselves out. No solution facilitated by an outside force will be acceptable. I believe if we wish to return to any sort of America that may have been, it is only the people of america who can do it. This is the country people flee to and beg for assistance. If we become the ones who flee, the ones who beg for "international" intervention, a huge part of the american spirit will be forever dead
We would never receive outside help as stated that our government funds the UN as their puppet. It would be to use human rights as a defining feature and purpose of this movement.
Lawmen have fought, some win some lose, to contest the government's constant infringements, but they see it as just a game. They need to not only fear but respect us, and know that their wreckless game has consequences. They don't give us anything we don't already INNATELY have
Fear can be caused in minutes, respect might take generations.
I think human rights and Liberty are interchangeable. But the term human rights, to me, implies a finite list. It, again to me, places the burden of proving a right when I feel Liberty places the government, rightly on the spot to explain and convince people that what they are doing is acceptable. Perhaps it just semantics, and most definitely I am not expressing myself as well as I would like, but the word "human rights" just doesnt fit. Also, as weve seen throughout history, one favorite tactic of governments is to dehumanize the enemy. They do that and we have lost the human rights angle