Message from @John Public

Discord ID: 711649633545486422

2020-05-16 23:19:44 UTC  

New Bill of Rights for Citizens

1. No laws shall be passed with respect to firearms. No citizen shall be denied access to arms save those adjudicated mentally ill by a panel consisting of 2 psychiatrist and at least 4 other citizens of the accused citizens community. At least 1 psychiatrist and 3 community citizens must agree to render a citizen mentally ill for purposes of this law only.

2. All taxes are subject to a 90% approval on a ballot of tax laws that shall be presented to the country every 10 years. Failure to reach 90% shall invalidate the proposed law.

3. Every 10 years all laws passed by local and state legislative bodies, save those deemed permanent, shall be presented to each state in ballot form. Any law that fails to receive 70% approval shall be deemed repealed and void.

4. No person shall act as an agent of the local, state or federal government who shall not have been approved by a panel made of no less than 3 psychologists and 12 citizens of the applicants community. All 3 psychologists and at least 10 citizens must agree to the appointment of said individual. All agents of the state are subject to lawsuits for their behavior during commission of official duties and behavior during personal activities

5. No member of the legislative bodies of local, state or federal government's shall receive more than a stipend as payment for holding office. The legislature may not vote to increase said stipend or approve any sort of payment for themselves or any other government employee. All pay issues will be voted on by ballot and must receive at least 70% approval or the proposed action shall be considered null and void.

2020-05-16 23:20:31 UTC  


6. No person shall hold elective office for more than 4 terms. Term limits are not subject to change, except to shorten the length of terms or further limit the number a person may serve. No person may serve in both chambers of the Congress for more than a total of 4 terms or 16 years. No person may serve more than 2 terms as President. No person may serve as President if they have reached term limits in either house of Congress. The term limits for each state may not exceed that of the Congress. Any person who serves in his states legislature shall be deemed to have seeved two terms for the purposes of limiting time in office.

7. All laws purposed by Congress must be passed by at least a 65% approval in both houses of Congress. Any law that fails to attain 65% approval shall be considered null and void. All laws passed by Congress are subject to repeal by a ballot vote by citizens that if passed by 51% shall invalidate the law and prevent its enforcement.

8. No laws may be passed that limit, or may limit, the right of free citizens to practice their religion as they wish, unless said practice involves the harming of another individual, regardless of voluntary participation by all parties.

9. No laws shall be passed that will, or may, restrict the right of free citizens to ingest, imbibe, swallow, snort, inject or absorb in any form any substance they deem desirable for themselves. This law shall not be construed in such a way as to allow an individuals imbibing in a way that directly harms another, regardless of voluntary participation

10. The only laws that may be deemed "permanent" and therefore not subject to the 10 year ballot shall be limited to crimes that invole physical violence done on another person, regardless of voluntary participation in said activity. The only exception at this time shall be assistance in the desired suicide of an individual who must make a voluntary declaration in public and in writing of their desire.

2020-05-16 23:43:10 UTC  

11. The first and second amendments herein listed shall not be subject to repeal or replacement at any time regardless of any legislation or judicial action. They are not subject to suspension and shall remain in effect at all times for perpetuity

2020-05-16 23:49:30 UTC  

Im gonna keep going but spare y'all more blobs for now. As always feel free to criticize and or steal anything

2020-05-17 02:02:55 UTC  

I like the year limit of laws

2020-05-17 02:03:02 UTC  

A lot

2020-05-17 02:04:18 UTC  

It's really good so far gives more power to voting we need to include something about the voting system itself (get rid of the electoral college and the fixing of districts which is rigging the elections entirely)

2020-05-17 02:33:59 UTC  

Careful in Canada we have no electoral college we have representation by population which means Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City decide who gets to be PM once they tally votes from the Atlantic provinces and Ontario and Quebec the rest of Canada doesn't even bother voting really because they won't matter.

2020-05-17 02:36:03 UTC  

It sucks being lorded over by primarily Toronto especially when they are a bunch of morons with little actual life experience and complete disregard for how people outside of Toronto live

2020-05-17 02:37:02 UTC  

Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, Yukon territory all have a western separatist party branch

2020-05-17 02:39:02 UTC  

> western separatist party
@BugsyBaldwin Based west canada

2020-05-17 02:42:15 UTC  

Simple majority sucks. Literally 51% pushing around the other 49%.

2020-05-17 03:14:01 UTC  

@Reno yeah it's a separatist movement based in Western Canada they want to become an independent Republic

2020-05-17 03:15:13 UTC  

We have 1 conservative party and 3 leftwing proto communist parties to vote for so we end up with like 30% lording over the other 70%

2020-05-17 03:52:04 UTC  

Fuck the crown

2020-05-17 12:56:40 UTC  

I wholly support that statement

2020-05-17 14:03:26 UTC  

The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have now, or it has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to continue. (paraphrase of L. Spooner)

2020-05-17 15:59:46 UTC  

The constitution is a guideline. Think of the bible it says not to be a cunt but plenty of people who claim to follow it but ignore the parts that tell them to be decent people. The constitution isn't flawed its actually a brilliant document its men who neglect it and ignore it. The Roman republic had a similar issue during the last 100 years before the empire was formed

2020-05-17 18:27:44 UTC  

And the way its been perverted by judicial rulings and general fuckery is why it could use a rewrite

2020-05-17 18:40:09 UTC  

@KaiBran the electoral collage is a firewall against population heavy states running roughshod over the rest of the population. It is by no means perfect but given the alternative of allowing California, New York and Texas being the deciders of Presidential elections, I'll take the collage everyday and twice on sunday

2020-05-17 18:41:34 UTC  

Personally, I think a battle royal of the Senate members literally fighting to the death every 4 yrs for the office would be better. Id pay to watch and even pay more to see in person😂

2020-05-17 22:49:40 UTC  

We need some Citizens Liberty Organization patches

2020-05-17 22:49:54 UTC  

Yea we do

2020-05-17 22:50:41 UTC  

PVC ones on hook and loop

2020-05-17 23:24:31 UTC  

Be careful Trudeau's daddy was our PM at one point and he decided our bill of rights was outdated and rewrote our bill of rights and gave us what's called the charter of rights and freedoms and it contains neither of those things and we lost our right to firearms and it became a privilege then not long afterwards they began to prohibit all sorts of firearms and made licencing mandatory etc.

2020-05-17 23:25:29 UTC  

A lot of the liberty movement in Canada idolize the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

2020-05-17 23:25:58 UTC  

That's one reason I don't put much faith in a piece of paper.

2020-05-17 23:34:51 UTC  

If you want Citizens Liberty Organization on shirts I can setup a non-profit shop real quick and throw something simple together quickly.

2020-05-17 23:51:17 UTC  

@Potatoes O'Reilly and possibly one that just reads : Liberty (front)
Its yours to lose (back)

2020-05-17 23:52:53 UTC  


2020-05-18 00:41:48 UTC  

Tshirts and hoodies, non-profit.

2020-05-18 00:43:41 UTC  

Cool shirts, but spme of the models are a little on the big side

2020-05-18 00:43:48 UTC  

Just saying

2020-05-18 06:54:40 UTC  

I'll have to take a look at that in the morning

2020-05-18 06:54:46 UTC  

Looks cool

2020-05-18 17:56:23 UTC  

This makes me think...what the fuck does the average person think this is about?? Sorry if the b word is involved but...what is going on in the heads of the general population.

2020-05-18 17:56:30 UTC

2020-05-18 18:55:12 UTC  

Well this is an organization not the other things

2020-05-18 18:56:24 UTC  

So if you're familiar with any of my posts you know that I have a flair for writing. Myself and several others have decided to put together a podcast. The object being to counter our already tarnished image. We hope to also offer advice on many different topics. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in being a part of or even if you just want to share any works on the subject of Liberty, freedom or really any subject, shot me a pm for an invite. Or dont. Its your choice and thats the whole point

2020-05-18 21:57:09 UTC  

@goofy_murican yeah that new shop just has the one basic design, but that shop is not for profit so people can represent us and spread the word. My own for-profit shop at has all the other designs.