Message from @The_Black_Knight
Discord ID: 708096294555746336
That was a joke, lol. We need to take the edge off.
Of course Trooper. Angry paintballs.
Guess what myself and some of the guys did for training on Saturday
Fuck yo. Ima dip off for a bit you guys. That kinda just fucked me off.
No shit man? That's pretty cool actually.
Have a good night.
Yeah, I get it Moose. Have a good one, hit me up if you need to chat
Night dude
Speaking of UTM’s
Dude, fuck sim rounds XD
That's why I 'train' with airsoft.
I wish I was allowed bean bags
The ones on my left are were the worst. Raised like a bitch haha
But I've even had marks like that from plastic BBs
I wish I could do more airsoft
I used to give marks like that out with bbs
Yep, airsoft can leave nasty marks sometimes.
I've had blood drawn.
I bought a riotshield for airsoft, but I've only used it once
My group yelled at me when some sunabitch got hit in the knuckle and bled
I normally run .25s
I was running an E&L akm with .3’s, was accurate as fuck
I haven't kept any of my little injuries.
I never got hit that bad tbh
Well off a little bit but fuck dude. The cool thing about the bruising, once it starts to yellow, you can see what direction the round came from
That was my last injury
You fucking slip on a knife?
Something like that.
Any of you guys ever take a round?
“Hey dan, will you dead check him?”
I've had a drill bit go through my arm
Been lucky enough that I have not. Took some fragment to the neck though
@Acadian Adventurer tampons
Haha, poor guy.