Message from @Death Strike's Bat

Discord ID: 305845119704104961

2017-04-23 23:14:21 UTC  

All of these things are matter. The logos is the idea and reason and perfect form and singular word for it. The logos is theos

2017-04-23 23:14:39 UTC  
2017-04-23 23:14:39 UTC  

So it makes more sense to call them Normalizers, who intervene en masse when the pendulum swings too far in either direction. It happens to be swinging too far to the left now, so they come off as right-wingers. But circa 1990, it was swinging too far to the right (Tipper Gore and the PMRC), and they came off more as left-wingers.

2017-04-23 23:14:41 UTC  

this is stupid

2017-04-23 23:15:07 UTC  

it's stupid but it touches on a real thing I think

2017-04-23 23:15:25 UTC  

the phenomenon of normal people, under leftism, but with living souls/common sense

2017-04-23 23:15:26 UTC  

Christ is the universal divine force behind all creation. Oh and he can incarnate himerlf and invalidate death and undermine prior religions as demonic.

2017-04-23 23:15:51 UTC  

That's the problem

2017-04-23 23:16:00 UTC  

you immediately presupose a divnity behind a creative force

2017-04-23 23:16:05 UTC  

As there cannot be good without evil and if he is good there has to be evil.

2017-04-23 23:16:12 UTC  

and above all, make a hierarchal structure in an arbitrary way

2017-04-23 23:16:28 UTC  

And by benevolence, he willed evil into being

2017-04-23 23:16:34 UTC  

and you presuppose that creative force is related to only one power

2017-04-23 23:16:43 UTC  

That's Platonism/neoplatonism

2017-04-23 23:16:54 UTC  

"all of things are matter" this is a pleonasm

2017-04-23 23:17:18 UTC  

Europeans pushed the spirit world beyond their world.

2017-04-23 23:18:43 UTC  

While for primitive peoples, the spirit and the material are interwined.

2017-04-23 23:18:57 UTC  

Wrong on so many levels

2017-04-23 23:19:05 UTC  

It's not wrong.

2017-04-23 23:19:11 UTC  

For all traditional teachings

2017-04-23 23:19:18 UTC  

What is traditional?

2017-04-23 23:19:26 UTC  

This is traditional.

2017-04-23 23:19:33 UTC  

If you don't understand that we cannot have a meaningful conversation

2017-04-23 23:19:41 UTC  

I mean what is "traditionaL'

2017-04-23 23:19:47 UTC  

that which belongs to traditional civilizations

2017-04-23 23:20:06 UTC  

Traditional civilizations actually believed that.

2017-04-23 23:20:17 UTC  

According therefore,to all traditional teachings

2017-04-23 23:20:37 UTC  

Traditional Indo-European sky father wills the world into being.

2017-04-23 23:20:44 UTC  

Through cognition

2017-04-23 23:20:45 UTC  

Material world was a manifestation, and as such full of symbols which revealed, but not represented higher meanings

2017-04-23 23:20:49 UTC  


2017-04-23 23:20:57 UTC  

It is not a manifestation.

2017-04-23 23:21:12 UTC  

It is an imitation.

2017-04-23 23:21:14 UTC  


2017-04-23 23:21:16 UTC  

Body itself, was, when you deeply contemplate on these teachings, perhaps the most sacred of all

2017-04-23 23:21:23 UTC  

The idea is not material

2017-04-23 23:21:31 UTC  

The soul is not your body

2017-04-23 23:21:37 UTC  


2017-04-23 23:21:40 UTC  


2017-04-23 23:21:43 UTC  


2017-04-23 23:21:44 UTC