Message from @devolved
Discord ID: 401524001287045142
I can keep up with eating a bucket of McNuggets every now and then because I do martial arts twice a week
You can't just say "I'm beautiful as I am" because you might get DIABEETUS
Also a heart attack I guess
i hate fat people
Even if they are perfectly healthy they are ugly so I hate them
they arent perfectly healthy, they are fat
It's a hypothetical
I hate ugly people
Only attractive people are good
I watch anime primarily to get away from western cunty behavior. Anything western would be all DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER YOU REDNECK SHITLORD sassy black womyn. Western media = put downs of people you don't like, sex, sex, sex, muh dik, make fun of a group it's PC to make fun of, 100% toilet humor, no humor that doesn't involve shit or sex, cuckolding interracial shit, "quirky" jewish nerds, manly bald niggers typecast into the same character in 30 movies
there was just an article done on fashwave through some media site, ig, and Art Right got some of their art featured on it
also like 2 of my older pics
but this is huge for us
plus a video
they wasted printer ink on our art
I don't trust any non whites
I don't even trust white people who lack a ruddy red/pink flush in their skin
I don't trust Whites with dark eyes
Because skin color alone doesn't make someone your ally
That being said, we should abandoned the narratives created by our enemies and the stupid ones who bought into them.
An ally is only an ally until the immediate threat is gone.
I have brown eyes but am pale as the moon
Dark eyes are different from brown eyes. They are practically black in appearance.
I have green-brown eyes
They look werid
I basically look like hornswoggle
I'm prozak's diversity hire