Message from @Fenix704
Discord ID: 401463945191489537
Yeah, there's a lot of feminist rethoric over here
Technically male yes
It's sickening because no one realizes
They're always talking about sexist violence and abuse but never bring up how women can be just as bad and the law actually defends them
Why is every country retarded
Just a little while ago there was this case where a girl fucked a bunch of guys on the street but she didn't like it so she cried rape and she got the whole national media against them
In fact before we knew she was lying, I already realized so in spanish class (well we don't call it Spanish class we just call it language but whatever) I wrote an article and my teacher, being a badass, decided to publish it on the school magazine
In the article I said that the media demonizes men and puts too much attention on rape and abuse cases, which aren't the worst crimes and sins known to humanity
Also the law kinda let women lie and get away with lying about abuse or rape when a women's the alleged victim and a man's the alleged culprit a few years ago, and innocent men would go to jail even with a lack of evidence
So typical b.s.
TL,DR if Sweden's mantra is "gender is a social construct" (spoiler: it's not a social construct. Only too genders), Spain's mantra is "down with the patriarchy"
We even get crazy feminists like Americans do
Typical BuzzFeed dyed-hair landwhale feminists protesting every now and then
I just want to get done with these last 4 years of school before I go to the UK for my animation and game design degree. Spain's a bit of a feminist shithole. I still love my country, but that's too far.
Why do the military not shoot the fat people protest
I don't really hate fat people but I'm against fat acceptance
That's not healthy, dude
I can keep up with eating a bucket of McNuggets every now and then because I do martial arts twice a week
You can't just say "I'm beautiful as I am" because you might get DIABEETUS
i hate fat people
Even if they are perfectly healthy they are ugly so I hate them
they arent perfectly healthy, they are fat
It's a hypothetical
I hate ugly people
Only attractive people are good
I watch anime primarily to get away from western cunty behavior. Anything western would be all DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER YOU REDNECK SHITLORD sassy black womyn. Western media = put downs of people you don't like, sex, sex, sex, muh dik, make fun of a group it's PC to make fun of, 100% toilet humor, no humor that doesn't involve shit or sex, cuckolding interracial shit, "quirky" jewish nerds, manly bald niggers typecast into the same character in 30 movies
there was just an article done on fashwave through some media site, ig, and Art Right got some of their art featured on it
also like 2 of my older pics
but this is huge for us
Link it
plus a video