Message from @pretextos
Discord ID: 555571616877117456
B lasagna
B lasagna
bish lasagna
@JTS is a shill, don t believe him, just another agent brainwashing the masses
Beats lasagna
@Charlie'sAngel please put up a balloon at make a custom shadow on the moon if you're sure the floor is a giant ball and the cause of the shadow on the moon
I can confirm I am a agent
Wait. So for you guys the north pole is in the center, and the south pole covers everything else from leaking out of existance??
Used in Blender!
@Human Sheeple what
The lads like to put it in there sometimes, It's just for textures, I think?
I'm just gonna do what they do, and post a bunch a pictures that don't really add anything to the conversation.
They wouldn’t survive before the age of 3
If they were anti vaxx
Maybe their parents had common sense
If they are Karen we’re are the kids
@Charlie'sAngel Thats cgi
You can see Saturn threw a medium sized lens and it’s round
My proof is that if the earth was flat why is there big booties girls huh? Checkmate flat earthers
Holy sh*t I knew you flat earthers were retarded but really? I mean it was Before Christ that it was discovered that the earth was not flat and now you come up with this. The government can lie, I know but I mean why would people lie about that kind of stuff thousands of years ago.
Flat earthers are all around the globe
My proof is that if the earth was flat why is there big booties b*tches huh? Checkmate flat earthers
Hot earth
global warming is the earth getting thiccer