Message from @chloe
Discord ID: 556645392058417163
Isn't that kind of cool?
Yeah it is
Why are guns the reason im not dead?
memeulous? what is that? sounds like a proper mad lad should subscribe today
You can shoot younger
Yep i will subscribe too
if you think the shooting was fake you are truly a mouth breather
@Ætos Come into vc
Sounds British ngl
I teach my young girls to shoot
The guy must be epic
i ran over a cat the other day, it was always as flat as my ex wifes chest
Let me know if this works, guys.
but the earth is flater
"Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
@pretextos what's happening
yum @chloe
@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 👍 worked for me
Hell yeah
@Regina George ur fit x
All that shi
!mute @mon 20m
✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧, it doesn't look like you can use that. <:SMILESWEAT6:403540174069432320>
FU mee6
The anti vaxx is here
@Regina George ily bb
>> mute @mon
<:vError:390229421228949504> **mon**#4732 is already muted!