🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄

Discord ID: 328449928181448705

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Q is a gatekeeper..

It was an inside job

Please. Tell me how the iceberg hit the exterior and pulled the frame outward. I guess the iceberg had grappling hooks? Fuck your motive, the evidence is clear. Add conspiracy and you have your motive.

@NiCKeLeSS You forgot something in your freemason math.
The sun's journey through each solstice from the equator is 23.5 degrees each way. 23.5 degrees north in the tropic of Cancer and 23.5 degrees south in the tropic of Capricorn. Giving you the entire 47 degrees of freemasonry.

Appealing to credentials logical fallacy thinking education means you're an expert on whatever you think you know about the topic of fluoride.
How ludicrous.

But just to appeal to the credentials you so highly adore, here's a Harvard study. Enjoy.

Don't be a condescending, ***and ignorant,*** prick if you're not going to debate my sources.

Wanna debate vaccines? That'll be even easier than fluoride.

***Fight me!***

Start with that

First 20 minutes will destroy ***ANYTHING*** you have to say on the topic.

I hope you get a fucking brain

Oh,, look! ***FEDERAL SOURCES!!***

Oh, but vaccinations are good!

Fucking dumbass.

I gave you every source you would need to ***PROVE*** otherwise

He said he hopes my children get measles so fuck insults. Tell hin.

Tell him that

Fair enough

My evidence that you are deliberately ***IGNORING*** say otherwise.

Read something

You're arguing from a position of ***Extreme Ignorance***

Either look at my evidence or concede. You only have those two options in a debate.

You don't get to make ludicrous and ignorant claims without looking at opposing evidence.

That's not how debates work. Take just 20 minutes to watch that video. It's an hour long video, but the first 20 minutes are more than sufficient.

Stop ignoring evidence

Tackle te presented evidence before bringing up anything else, please. This is a debate.

One you are very clearly losing.

I don't need to. I brought up evidence, first.

I will tackle your questions ***After*** we tackle the presented evidence.

@The89thOptimist 89Do something about this dude, please.

Nope. You're done.

But you don't.

I presented clear evidence with FEDERAL sources. You presented ad hominem attacks.

And deliberately ignored evidence.

@The89thOptimist Thank You and I hope all is going well.

The first 20 minutes of the video will destroy any argument you think you have.

Federal source says otherwise

Again, refer to at least 20 minutes of the video I presented or you are debating from an intellectually dishonest position.

I'll post it again

They don't even go through clinical trials.

Every pharmaceutical must go through a double-blind placebo clinical trial before daring to introduce them to the public.
Vaccinations... dont.

The companies that make these vaccinations aren't even held liable for adverse health effects so you can't sue them if your child wants kids, but a vaccination sterilized them. Or any other health-related issue that comes about from being vaccinated.

Not to mention the horrendous ingredients list.
Formaldehyde? You know... What they put in corpses to keep them from rotting and decaying.
Think that's healthy to pump into an infant? Or any human, for that matter?

What about the aborted baby fetuses? Body parts that were ripped from a baby are chopped up and added to vaccinations. Perpetuating the abortion industry, on top of having aborted, and foreign, human DNA pumped into your bodies, via vaccination.

They aren't tested on ***anything.***

Also, the first 20 minutes of the video will explain most of concerns pro-vaxxers have about not vaccinating. As well as information and evidence of how harmful they can be.
All with verifiable federal sources.

Sources, please?

Not exactly

I guess there isn't one, at the moment. Let's start out with an ingredient list.

It was your claim that European vaccinations weren't the same so I'd like you to back that up.

Perhaps. The way it ran seemed that way.

Produce those testings.

I'll look at all opposing opinions or arguments. I'm not gonna ignore or refuse to examine any evidence.

I'm not saying that, but I am saying nearly every vaccination should be avoided at all cost. Some people might be able to fight off the effects, but they ***will*** affect many.

So.. ten seconds of research shows this..

If I find adequate reason and evidence of what they affect, then of course. I haven't gone through all of the pharmaceuticals because there are far more of those than vaccinations, but I intend to.

If someone breaks an arm, you're of course going to need to deal with that, accordingly. However, when it comes to the pain management, there could be other forms of relief without addictive narcotics.

Yeah, those are pretty nasty bits. Weight gain, added depression, suicidal thoughts from altering your brain chemistry, insomnia, addiction, your body slowing and eventually ceasing the production of certain chemicals.
Yes, antipsychotics and antidepressants are horrendous.

Yes, I don't agree with how commonly they use it.

Used it. You're right, they have stopped that for a large part.

Aspirin will kill you as well

Perhaps, the body needed it, as you suggested and if he stopped the moment he was able to stand the pain on his own or it got better quick enough, then sure, I can see how it may not affect him.

Those should be used for extreme cases, and to a fair degree they are, but I also think had the pharmaceutical industry not become what it has (profiting from keeping people sick, rather than curing them) then we could combine natural herbs with advancing knowledge in medicine to keep from creating harmful substances.

Here you go. Fluoride 😋

Fluorosis is a thing for that very reason

Too much fluoride

@Ubo Tea Tree Oil and Baking Soda

Salt as well

Very little salt

If you appeal to authority then you'll believe climate change is man made.

There's no empirical or statistical evidence for human influence on climate in such a substantial enough way that it is a threat to humanity.

@.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭 Why not make several debate channels for this issue? If people like debates, you'd keep more people around and even grow by providing more channels to use. Especially for common or heated topics. Just a thought.

Could you help me understand why that is? It seems beneficial for everyone, no?

More logic than consensus.

Technology ***DOES NOT*** ensure victory.


Anything from mars other than astrological energies is pure bullshit.

There is no such thing as anti-gravity.

To have anti-gravity, you need gravity. No such thing.

Both are not real.

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