Message from @stalin is my dad
Discord ID: 557026878578360321
ok that was a lot less subtle than i thought it would be
no homo the homo hoboToday at 10:23 PM
Mate can you tell @Soldz (CF) soldz that I don't earrape in vc or be a troll in vcs in general please
He's got me fully muted for a bs reason
@Mainländer shut up spazmoid
I'm actually trapped inside a cock, which is oblong @realFlatEarther
@Jamal Charles shutup nigersr
shut up pussy
the hell
@Mainländer what
What did I do
hes muted
Mainlander if I unmute you will you behave swear to me
Why does everyone keep blaming me for muting them
Like wtf
I believe in the @PenisShapedEarth
All the science lines up
wait is that pfp from that one show i watched nonstop when i was like 5??
Guys you know I've been to the icewall before
Let’s all try to up the value of our word choices in here this isn’t a slut server please be kind with your choice of words
I flew a plane to it
Mountains of ice
high mountains
@FALKON Mike “If you don’t like the twat, prepare for gigawatt” Pence.
what's a s l u t server
heh that's funny @Bertticus
A slut server is a place where everybody just throws F bombs P words G words and words around at random and it just becomes a pain in the ass to try and meet everybody and tell everybody to watch their language
Karma. This is a warning stop it immediately
@elle you a slu T?
no are u
I'll stop.
I am just a man of culture.
Thank you Karma