Message from @Karma
Discord ID: 557027663697674280
wait is that pfp from that one show i watched nonstop when i was like 5??
Guys you know I've been to the icewall before
Let’s all try to up the value of our word choices in here this isn’t a slut server please be kind with your choice of words
I flew a plane to it
Mountains of ice
high mountains
@FALKON Mike “If you don’t like the twat, prepare for gigawatt” Pence.
what's a s l u t server
heh that's funny @Bertticus
A slut server is a place where everybody just throws F bombs P words G words and words around at random and it just becomes a pain in the ass to try and meet everybody and tell everybody to watch their language
Karma. This is a warning stop it immediately
@elle you a slu T?
no are u
I'll stop.
Thank you Karma
I really try and restrain myself for banning or muting anyone I’ll always give you at least one or two warnings but please when I warn you just obey the warning and we won’t have any problem
It’s a “heliocentric pear!”
i feel attacked
i played this really odd game the other day
it was... satanic
how did that go egg dog
you want the gist of the game or something?
We wuz kangz and shiiiit
ok so well it was pretty blunt at it.
He told meh
so basically the main story is the characters mother is like ya know pretty christian