Message from @AlGoreRhythm
Discord ID: 316983575201316864
Yeah fine
Get into a voice chat
@BlackMetalWitch "Have you been vetted already? I swear i've seen you around" yeah because i was, but my rank (underage but based) was remobed
Day 500, still not vetted
I'm here for the next few hours, ready to be vetted
@BlackMetalWitch <@&278459485687644161>
@An Craoibhín Aoibhinn get in public chat
Okay I'm in now
Add me back in
I'm a buzzfeed reporter
Do you haave any statements for the press?
fuck buzzfeed kys
buzzfeed doesn't have any "reporters"
Buzzfeed is a shit tier website
@mole (NL) Can I have your name for when I quote you?
Or perhaps your twitter handle?
@Valane top tier bait my dude. Kys.
Vote accordingly
<@&305820111070167041> any of you goys want to get vetted?
@here I am a Buzzfeed reporter looking for individuals to interview.
I am interested in writing an article on your extreme right-wing fascism
I don't believe you're really a BuzzFeed reporter, but good meme, lad.
Shit I've been found out
@here if any of you will be online tonight around 10pm PST I can vet you.
mic is kill
Can someone please vett me
go to public
thx voodoo