Message from @Towelie
Discord ID: 276675960781275137
well I was still young at that time and I didn't really know much about game design but I already expected such thing
I was 14 when SH2 was release
I remember when I first seen Silent Hill 3 on the back of the MGS2 manual. I was in awe with the rustic look.
First time I ever heard of Silent Hill.
Little did I know it would someday become one of my favorite series.
oh, yeah, substance ^^"
I was about to say
first release of MGS2 is older than SH2
I wouldn't expect SH3 advertisment in that
^ First release is 2001. xD That release is 2003.
MGS2 is 2001, SH2 is 2001 😉
oh my bad, silent hill 2 is a month older than MGS2
konami and their fucked up...
@Sexy Zombie Roo I don't know how you play games without textures
It freaks the fuck out of me
Idk my graphic standards are kinda low
I don't care a lot about graphics, especially on old stuff
I think MGS2 is a spectacular looking game
MGS2 is nothing special compared to MGS3
dude, MGS2 was magnificient for its time
shadows, reflexions
It was good for an early PS2 game
The thing is I think most PS2 games hold up today graphically
a lot of graphical details
What the fuck
no but seriously, even for late games on PS2, MGS2 is still freaking beautiful, especially the lightning, etc
MGS3 looks better, true, but MGS2 was more revolutionary graphicaly wise
real time reflexions, directional shadows, etc
it was really well done for its time
I think it was able to do that since the areas were tiny
Those reflections are actually that old method of having another model of the character on the other side, while the floor texture is just a little transparent.
(not that it makes it any less spectacular)