Message from @Al_Bi
Discord ID: 464093799858176001
What the fuck is that
some guy who claims hes a nat soc
Dear god
Tell him to lose weight
shitty meme made not by me
Yo guys I think I'm a Buddhist now
So let me get this straight. Al Kharid for the Kharidians, Goblin Village for the Goblins, and Dwarven Mine for Dwarves, but Falador for everyone?
@Finn the white knights have oppressed the black knights for too long, they don’t deserve a Homeland <:smug:378698410406051860>.
I guess Mexico is paying for it after all
Correction: Have mexico elect a communist president to *starve all of his people so that mexicans don’t even exist*
Wallace's remains were found by hikers on the Mary Mountain Trail, northeast of Old Faithful.[31] Wallace was hiking alone.[32] An autopsy showed that Wallace died from a bear attack.[32] According to a report released by Yellowstone rangers, park officials had attempted to give Wallace a lecture about bear safety, but he was not interested, calling himself a "grizzly bear expert".[33]
DNA evidence later determined that the same sow that killed Brian Matayoshi July 6, 2011 was in the vicinity of Wallace's corpse, though it was not proved that this bear killed Wallace. The bear was killed by park officials.[34] Evidence showed that Wallace was attacked after sitting down on a log to eat a snack and the attack was predatory, rather than defensive.[34][35]